RiversDefinition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River) A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into the ground or dries up completely at the end of its course, and does not reach another body of water. Small rivers may be called by several other names, including stream, creek, brook, rivulet, and rill. There are no official definitions for generic terms, such as river, as applied to geographic features, although in some countries or communities a stream may be defined by its size. (Wikipedia) Preferred Units: N/A Scope Note: N/A This term is used for the following terms: N/A Approved Date 08-Aug-2014 Items having a keyword or observed-property relationship to this subject term - 1947 River Lee floods : 50 years on
- 1993 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
- 1994 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
- 1995 drought report : a report on the severity of the drought of 1995 and its effect in the Severn and Trent catchments
- 1996 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
- 1997 general quality assessment (GQA) and river ecosystem (RE) non-compliance : Devon area
- 1999 annual report on fisheries in the North west incorporating the annual summary of fishery statistics
- 2000 GQA Biology survey project record
- A better place for all - river stour waterway plan
- A biological investigation of the affects of discharges from Meldon quarry on the West Okemont River - 8/08/89 and 20/09/89
- A brief guide to the medway
- A brief guide to the thames
- A brief history of the River Stour navigation : 1705 to the present day
- A comparison between two methods of dissolved oxygen measurement in rivers
- A desk study to assess the compliance of the River Fowey with the EC Surface Water Abstraction Directive : June 1997 COR/97/024
- A desk top study into the probable causes of poor water quality at Higher Hollacombe Farm (RO5K013) on the Hollacombe Lake
- A flood alleviation strategy for Broadland : report of Task Group
- A flood defence scheme for Sladesbridge
- A flood of memories : recollections of the 1947 floods in East Anglia
- A guide to rod fishing byelaws : Midlands region (September 2001)
- A history of the By Brook
- A litter assessment of two major tributaries of the Taff, the Cynon and the Rhondda : surveyed March - April 1990
- A Post Mortem Study of Otters (Lutra Lutra) Found Dead in South West England
- A report into the impact of small dam construction at Delford bridge, De Lank river
- A report on the 1993 strategic stock assessment survey of the Eamont catchment with particular reference to salmonid fish
- A report on the River Chew at Chewton Mendip, 6th August 1992
- A report on water quality issues within the Midford Brook catchment - June 1996
- A review of the performance of Aldershot STW and its effect on the River Blackwater
- A simplified guide to Thames region fishery byelaws and national byelaws
- A study of the mayfly parasite Spiriopsis adipophila, Arvy and Peters (1972) (=Sprininella adipophila, Arvy and Delage 1966) in Ephemera danica from the River Pang, a tributary of the River Thames
- A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
- A user's guide to the River Thames
- Accretion profiling during 1997
- Achieving positive gains from watercourses in new development
- Action plan for the management of salmon for the River Test : consultation document
- Addendum to the Stanmoor bank feasibility study and appraisal report : Lower Tone flood defence improvements : phase II
- Adur and Ouse : action plan : February 2000
- Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy
- Adur and Ouse LEAP : consultation draft summary : April 1999
- Adur/Ouse area LEAP : consultation draft plan
- Afan and Kenfig catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
- Afan and Kenfig catchment management plan : consultation report
- After the flood : 50 years of inland flood protection in East Anglia
- Agreeing access to water for canoeing
- Aire consultation draft LEAP : June 1998
- Aldrin and dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn catchment during 1991 an interim report
- Alleviating low flows in rivers
- Alleviation of low flow studies : the River Avon and its tributaries near Malmesbury : towards a solution
- Alt / Crossens catchment management plan first annual review, July 1998
- Alt / Crossens LEAP action plan 2000-2005
- Alternative Farming Methods A Study of the Effects of an Integrated Arable Mgment System on Levels of Herbicide and Nutrients Reaching 'Controlled Waters'
- Alternative Methods For The Biological Classification Of Rivers
- Amazon River
- Amazon River at Manaus
- AMP(2) / effluent quality : NRA guidance note for preparation work for AMP(2)
- AMP3 benefits assessment low flow alleviation schemes : final report (including business cases)
- An assessment of River Fowey salmonid populations
- An assessment of river water quality in the River Kenn
- An assessment of the causes of non-compliance with river quality standards within the River Tiddy catchment (1989-1991)
- An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : AQC audit
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : primary audit
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : AQC audit
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : primary audit
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 2000. Environment Agency : AQC audit : C00158/11
- An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 2000. Environment Agency : primary audit : C00158/10
- An audit of performance in the AQC inspection of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2001 : Environment Agency CEH Report Ref: COO 15 8/24
- An audit of performance in the AQC inspection of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2002 : The Environment Agency (C00158/31)
- An audit of performance in the primary analysis of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2001 : Environment Agency CEH Report Ref: COO 158/23
- An audit of performance in the primary analysis of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2002 : The Environment Agency (CEH Report Ref: C00158/31)
- An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1992
- An investigation into high concentrations of atrazine in surface waters and the increase in maize production in the Otter valley
- An investigation into possible causes of poor water quality at Nymphayes Bridge (R30D009) on the Gissage Lake
- An investigation into the bacterial water quality of the River Umber, N. Devon : December 1996 : DEV/WQ/14/96
- An investigation into the bacteriological levels in the River Seaton
- An investigation into the effect of Farnham STW on the River Wey
- An investigation into the effects of Alton sewage works on the River Wey North
- An investigation into the effects of Woking STW on the River Wey
- An investigation into the elevated BOD levels at Brocken Bridge (R30H001) on the Barnstaple Yeo [DEV/E/20/95]
- An investigation into the frequency of discharge of three combined sewer overflows in the Afan/Kenfig catchment : TM/EAW/96/06
- An investigation into the water quality of a treated effluent from Hambleton Dairy, Todber, Dorset
- An investigation into the water quality of the River Waldon during wet weather
- An Investigation of Ecological Change in the Rivers Kennet and Lambourn
- An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. April 2001 - March 2002
- An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Progress report for the period April 1999-March 2000
- An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Progress report for the period April 1999-March 2001
- An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 2000 - March 2001
- An investigation of the Madford River pollution incident of 29 July 1989 : November 1989
- An investigation to determine if Deep Moor Landfill Site is causing an impact downstream in the Peagham Stream
- An investigation to determine if Great Torrington STW is the cause of elevated copper and zinc concentrations in the River Torridge
- An investigation to determine if South Molton STW is the cause of elevated copper and zinc concentrations downstream in the River Mole [DEV/E/18/95]
- An investigation to determine possible causes of poor water quality downstream of Chagford STW (WSTW6046B)
- An investigation to determine the source of high levels of gamma-HCH in the Newlyn River during summer 1989
- An update on the Hexham flood alleviation scheme, Autumn 2006
- Analysis of 1995 Survey Data: Phase 2 Post-Survey Appraisal. Unit II: Changes in Biological Condition
- Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987
- Angle on the Broads : helping you get the most out of fishing on the Broads
- Annual classification of river water quality 1990
- Annual classification of river water quality 1991
- Annual classification of river water quality 1991 : identification of possible causes of non-compliance with river quality objectives
- Annual classification of river water quality 1992
- Annual classification of river water quality 1992 : numbers of samples exceeding the quality standard
- Annual report 1989/90 regional review - Wessex region
- Annual report on fisheries : 1st April 1988 - 31st March 1989
- Annual review of fisheries : 1st April 1989 - 31st March 1990
- Annual review of the Colne, Upper Lee, North London and Roding, Beam and Ingerbourne catchments
- Appledore tidal defence scheme
- Aquatic Plant Management Group Project
- Assessing water quality : General Quality Assessment (GQA) scheme for biology (Bilingual Welsh)
- Assessment of (anti-) Oestrogenic and (anti-) Androgenic Activities of Final Effluents from Sewage Treatment Works
- Assessment of Ivybridge mobile monitoring station and investigation of the water quality of the River Erme and the effect of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment works final effluent
- Assessment of radioactive discharge screening levels for biota protected under the habitats regulations : April 2002
- Assessment of river Phosphorus and Nitrogen from macroinvertebrate data using artificial intelligence techniques : technical report
- Assessment of the distribution of Bembidion testaceum and reasons for its decline
- Assessment of the impact of discharges from Meldon Quarry on the water quality of the West Okement River
- Assessment of the Impact of Nutrient Removal on Eutrophic Rivers
- Assessment of the performance of the BMWP scoring system against biological targets and the determination of significant change
- Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2005/2006
- Attenuation of nitrate in the sub-surface environment
- Audit of 1995 eastern area RCS programme
- Audit of 20 rehabilitation projects
- Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Bittern Botaurus stellaris in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
- Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : kingfisher Alcedo atthis in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
- Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Marsh Fritillary in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
- Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : water vole Arvicola terrestris in South Hampshire
- Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : white-clawed crayfish Austropotambius pallipes in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
- Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
- Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Midlands region
- Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
- Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Southern Region
- Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Thames region
- Avon and Erme : action plan : December 1998
- Avon and Erme : first annual review : February 2000
- Avon and Erme : second annual review
- Avon and Erme : third annual review
- Axe and Lim : action plan
- Axe and Lim : consultation draft : December 1999
- Axe and Lim catchment management plan : second annual review 1999
- Aylesbury flood alleviation scheme
- Back to life : bringing the environment back to the people of the North West
- Bacteriological monitoring of freshwater rivers in the Thames Region 1995
- Barnstaple flood plan : public information leaflet
- Bass fishing in the Fal estuary and coastal area
- Bath flood defence scheme
- Bath sewer overflow study : final report
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) catchment management plan : action plan : January 1995
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) catchment management plan : consultation report : April 1994
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) catchment management plan : summary report : April 1994
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) environment overview : June 1999
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : December 1999
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : development constraints by parish : April 1999
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : first annual review : May 2001
- Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : November 1999 Statement of Consultation
- Benchmarking and Scoping Study of Hydraulic River Models. Stage Two-Final Report
- Best Available Techniques For The Control Of Pollution In Inorganic Chemical Processes - Appendix
- Bewdley flood alleviation scheme : your questions answered
- Bewdley flood defences : the invisible defences
- Bideford flood plan : public information leaflet
- Bideford tidal defences : works to Bideford Quay
- Bioaccumulation of metals in the Thames Estuary
- Biodiversity - Key Resources Inventory
- Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme
- Biological characteristics and exploitation of sea trout in the River Tywi during 1989
- Biological environments of larger UK rivers: third progress report
- Biological investigation into the impact of the storm overflow at Middle Marwood Sewage Treatment Works
- Biological problems associated with IFIM and implications for regional fisheries studies
- Biological river quality 1995 according to the general quality (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
- Biological River Quality Map 1994 and Land Drainage Byelaws 1981
- Biological water quality report 1996
- Blackwater catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
- Blackwater River Catchment Management Plan : Consultation Draft
- Blackwater River catchment management plan : draft action plan
- Blackwater River catchment management plan consultation draft : summary report : November 1992
- Blyth Estuary Strategy : preferred option consultation, September 2005
- Blythe/Cole/Bourne catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1994 (NRA Severn-Trent 46)
- Blythe/Cole/Bourne Catchment Management Plan Consultation Report (and Summary Report)
- Blythe/Cole/Bourne Catchment Management Plan Final Plan July 1994
- Boat safety scheme - September 1995
- Boat safety scheme checklist - September 1995
- Boat safety scheme guidance notes - June 1996
- Boating on Sussex Rivers
- Breede River
- Breede River
- Brent and Crane : action plan : catchment management plan : September 1996
- Brent and Crane catchment management plan : consultation report : December 1995
- Bristol Avon : action plan : March 2000
- Bristol Avon : consultation draft : February 1999
- Bristol Avon Area fishery survey : Byde Mill Brook
- Bristol Avon Local Flood Defence Committee handover document March 2005 : a new beginning
- Broadland environmental scoring methodology : final report
- Broadland flood alleviation strategy : bank strengthening and erosion protection : the programme for flood defence work
- Broadland flood alleviation strategy : environmental monitoring : strategic river surveys 1998
- Broadland flood alleviation strategy : the programme for flood defence works
- Broadland rivers : draft LEAP
- Brown trout habitat assessment on the River Bela catchment (as recommended by the strategic fisheries stock Assessment Task Group 1995)
- Brue and Axe : action plan
- Brue and Axe : consultation report
- Brue and Axe : first annual review : July 1999
- Buffer zones for conservation of rivers and bankside habitats : draft final report
- Burnham-on-Sea, Brean and Highbridge flood plan
- Burton, Nuneaton and Tamworth LEAP consultation draft summary
- Calder catchment flood management plan : consultation summary document, April 2007
- Cam Local Environment Agency Plan : statement of consultation responses
- Cannock flood alleviation scheme : your questions answered
- Canoeist guide to the River Severn
- Canvey Island flood defences consultation
- Catchment abstraction management strategy : Little Ouse
- Catchment handbook : River Camel catchment : final draft report
- Catchment management planning guidelines : August 1993
- Catchment management plans : protecting and enhancing the water environment in an integrated manner
- Chalk stream malaise : anglers' views on contributory factors
- Cheltenham flood alleviation scheme : your questions answered
- Chemical river quality 1993-1995 according to the general quality assessment (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
- Chemical Techniques Manual
- Chironomids as indicators of biological quality : present use and future potential : a report of a workshop held at the Environment Agency, Thames Region
- Classification of river water quality : version 1.0, 29 April 1992
- Cleddau catchment management consultation report summary : February 1994
- Cleddau catchment management plan : action plan : 1995
- Cleddau catchment management plan : consultation report : February 1994
- Clwyd catchment management plan : consultation report : May 1994
- Clwyd catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Coastal flood risk management strategy Pegwell Bay to Kingsdown : guide for local communities
- Collection and Analysis of Environmental Stresses Influencing Biological GQA Data in 2000
- Coln River levels study : project summary
- Colne barrier NRA 1994
- Comparison of extraction techniques for sediment and biota matrices
- Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
- Conoeists' guide to the River Wye
- Conservation and development of the River Eden spring salmon population
- Conservation and recreation : the Wye challenge : towards a management strategy for the River Wye : summary report (bilingual)
- Conservation and recreation : the Wye challenge : volume 2 : technical appendices
- Conservation and recreation report 1995/96
- Conservation and recreation: the Wye challenge: volume 1: report of the River Wye project
- Conservation in the Anglian region
- Conservation in the Severn-Trent Region (NRA Severn-Trent 57)
- Conservation requirements of southern damselfly in chalkstream and fen habitats
- Consultation on improving flood defences in Horncastle, Haltham and Kirkby-on-Bain
- Contaminants entering the sea : data appendix : data on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales for the years 1990-1993
- Continuous estimation of river flows
- Continuous water quality monitoring results collected from the river Torridge at Cockshilhay and Beam Bridge for the EU UWWTD
- Continuous water quality monitoring results for the Carnon river
- Continuous water quality monitoring results for the Upper Tamar
- Contribution of small streams to potential fish production in the Conwy catchment
- Conwy catchment management plan : water quality assessment technical memorandum
- Cornwall area farm campaign : catchment 27a : River Neet - Langford Bridge to Strat Confluence
- Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
- Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
- Creating a better Thames : our five year plan 2006-2011
- Creation of Natural Assets Registers Using River Habitat Surveys
- Cringle Brook flood alleviation scheme
- Croal Irwell : consultation draft
- Croal/Irwell : action plan
- Croal/Irwell LEAP environmental overview : October 1998
- Croal/Irwell local environment agency plan : statement of consultation
- Cross functional plans 1995/96 : W1 river Kennet
- Cryptosporidium in drinking water : survey of occurrence. June 1991
- Cryptosporidium In Farmed And Wild Animals And The Implications For Water Contamination
- Cryptosporidium in river waters: inception of the study
- Cuckmere and Pevensey Levels LEAP : consultation draft
- Darent action plan : restoration of low flows to the river Darent : public statement to accompany application to vary groundwater abstraction licences at Sundridge, Lullingstone, Eynsford, Horton Kirby, Darenth and Bexley
- Darent LEAP : consultation draft
- Darent LEAP : environmental overview
- Darent LEAP : July 2000
- Dart : first annual review : October 1999 (1999)
- Dart : second annual review (2000)
- Dart : third annual review
- Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis for Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Caudworthy Water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Priors Farm, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Winnacott Bridge at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Kingston Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
- Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
- Dee stock assessment programme : annual report 1993
- Defying the disaster : memories of the 1947 floods and 50 years of flood protection in the Midlands
- Delabole Stream (abandoned minewater) water quality investigation (total zinc)
- Derbyshire Derwent : action plan : January 1999
- Derbyshire Derwent : consultation report, February 1998
- Derwent and Cumbria Coast catchment management consultation report summary : October 1994
- Derwent and Cumbria coast catchment management plan consultation report 1994
- Determining The Causes Of 'Apparent Eutrophication' Effects
- Determining The Freshwater Flow Needs Of Estuaries
- Developing Quality Assurance for Fish Counter Data - Phase 1: An Assessment of the Salmonid Fish Counter Network in England and Wales
- Development of a Lifecycle Simulation Model for Atlantic Salmon.
- Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 1: Identification of Hydro-morphological parameters to which the aquatuc ecosystems is sensitive
- Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 2: Typology Rewiew
- Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 3: Environmental Standards
- Development of the Acid Water Indicator Community (AWIC) Macroinvertebrate Family and Species Level
- Devon area report - River Creedy fisheries survey 1994
- Dioxins and the River Doe Lea : plain English report
- Discharge consent review for Pen Mill (Yeovil) STW
- Disposal of Cut Vegetation: Best Practice Guidelines
- Distribution of Azolla in the Great Ouse catchment
- Domesday to the dawn of the new millennium : 900 years of the Don Fishery
- Dorset Stour : action plan
- Dorset Stour : first annual review : January 1998 - December 1998
- Dorset Stour : second annual review : January 1999 - December 1999
- Dorset Stour catchment flood management plan : summary of draft plan, October 2006
- Douglas : Action Plan 1999-2000 : September 1999
- Douglas : consultation report : November 1998
- Douglas catchment management plan : annual review : October 1996
- Douglas LEAP annual review : November 2000
- Douglas Local Environment Agency Plan : annual review summary 2000/2001
- Dove : first annual review, April 2001
- Dove : statement of public consultation (summary) : June 1999-August 1999
- Dove Action Plan : March 2000
- Dove Consultation Draft : May 1999
- Dove environmental overview : August 1999
- Drought : the dry facts
- Drought in the South : in depth
- Dunball Sluice Refurbishment Project: G7639 post project appraisal
- Dyfi and Leri catchment management plan : consultation report
- East Anglia river times of travel
- East Devon public water supply strategy : Exe freshwater model - QUASAR validation/calibration
- East Devon public water supply strategy : Exe freshwater model Wimbleball pump storage scheme scenario modelling
- East Devon public water supply strategy : surface water yield assessment - use of generated long flow records
- East Devon public water supply strategy : the existence and potential use in yield analysis of historic flow records
- East Devon public water supply strategy as assessment of the hydrological impact of the Wimbleball pump storage scheme at key sites on the River Exe
- East Hampshire : consultation draft : July 1999
- East Hampshire catchment management plan : action plan
- East Hampshire catchment management plan : consultation report
- East Hampshire LEAP : August 2000
- East Looe river : river ecosystem (RE) non-compliance investigation : final draft report
- East Suffolk : Action Plan
- East Suffolk : consultation report : June 1997
- East Sussex Rother catchment management plan : action plan
- East Sussex Rother catchment management plan : consultation report
- Eastern Rother LEAP : consultation draft : December 1999
- Eastern Rother LEAP Environmental Overview Dec. 1999
- Eastern Rother LEAP FEB 2001
- Economic appraisal of low flow alleviation : guidelines on desk top analysis : draft
- Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module A: Economic Evaluation of Fishing Rights
- Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module B: Indirect Economic Values Associated with Fisheries
- Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: The economic impact of freshwater angling in England and Wales
- Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: Welfare benefits of inland fisheries in England and Wales.
- Ecotoxicological Methods: Improving Assessments of Complex Effluents - Assessment of Sub-Lethal Fish Toxicity Test Methods
- Eden and Solway Coast catchment management plan : consultation report : October 1995
- Eden DTC Diatom Data
- Eden DTC Invertebrate Data
- Eden DTC Macrophyte Data
- Eden, Esk and Solway : environmental overview : September 1999
- Effectiveness of eutrophication control by phosphorus reduction: development of the INCA-P model
- Effects of agricultural soil erosion on watercourses
- Electric fishing survey (drought 1996 project) : final report
- Ely catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1995
- Ely catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Ely Ouse : Draft Plan
- Ely Ouse : environment overview : February 1999
- Ely Ouse Catchment Management Plan
- Ely Ouse catchment management plan : first annual review Jan 1994 to Jan 1996
- Ely Ouse LEAP : first annual review : December 2000
- Ely Ouse local environment agency plan : September 1999
- Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: aquatic invertebrates review
- Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: current status of endocrine disruptor research and policy
- Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: molecular and genomic contributions
- Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: priority and new endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Endocrine Function in Aquatic Invertebrates and Evidence for Disruption by Environmental Pollutants
- Endocrine Modulating Effects of Wastewater Treatment Works Effluents: 'Sensitive Windows' for inducing germ-cell intersex in the Roach (Rutilus rutilus)
- England's river : a guide to the Thames from Remenham to Cookham
- Enhancing the environment : 20 case studies in London
- Enhancing the environment : 25 case studies from Thames Region
- Enhancing the River Otter
- Enhancing the River Tamar
- Environment Agency Kent area : the Seabrook stream : BSc (Hons) Environmental biology placement report
- Environment Agency Southern region : Christmas floods 1999 volume one : performance review
- Environmental assessment of Denver MRF : impact of freshwater flow on water quality of the Great Ouse estuary : draft working paper 3
- Environmental impact assessment : River Allen flood alleviation scheme
- Environmental impact of hypolimnial releases from Llyn Brianne
- Environmental Impact Of Run-Of-River Hydropower Schemes In Upland Rivers
- Environmental overview for Central Area 2001
- Environmental planning issues in the North Wessex area
- Environmental Quality Standards for Dissolved Oxygen
- Environmental statement for the River Wandle flood alleviation scheme contract one (C1)
- Eradication of Alien Crayfish Populations
- Essex Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1998/99
- Essex rivers hydrology investigations : main study brief
- Eurwg catchment management plan : phase 1 : Statement of Catchment Uses and Problems Identification
- Eurwg catchment management plan : phase 2 : resolution of catchment problems
- Eutrophication control via nutrient reduction in rivers : literature review
- Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 1 : report and executive summary
- Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 2 : appendices
- Evaluating The Benefits Of Hydrometric Networks
- Evaluation of peroxygens for the amelioration of river pollution : on behalf of the Environment Agency, Thames Region
- Exe : action plan : plan from July 2000 to July 2005
- Exe : consultation draft : July 1999
- Exe : first annual review
- Exe : summary of public consultation responses : July 1999 - October 1999
- Exe freshwater model : quasar model design
- Factors Affecting Coarse Fish Recruitment: Phase II - Examination and Analysis of Existing Environment Agency Data
- Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish
- Fal and St Austell : second annual review
- Fal and St Austell streams : action plan
- Fal and St Austell streams : consultation report
- Fal and St Austell streams catchment abstraction management strategy
- Fal Estuary TBT monitoring programme : 1997 baseline survey : tidal water quality
- Fine sediment deposition in the River Keer : geomorphological assessment
- First annual review of the River Exe catchment management plan
- First annual review of the River Taw catchment management plan (1996)
- First annual review of the River Tone catchment management plan
- First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)
- Fish and the Ecological Assessment of Lakes and Rivers for the Water Framework Directive
- Fish found in the tidal Thames
- Fish Guide 1997/98 A Guide to day ticket fisheries in the Midlands
- Fish Pass Design for Eel and Elver
- Fisheries of the middle and lower Wylye and factors affecting their performance
- Fisheries survey 1990 : River Coln, River Churn, Ampney Brook : key site monitoring in relation to low flow problems
- Fisheries survey rivers Beult and Teise 1994
- Fishery survey of the Congresbury Yeo, 1994
- Fishery survey of the River Axe catchment
- Fishery survey of the River Isle catchment
- Fishery survey of the River Yeo catchment
- Fishing in the South
- Flood alleviation proposals for Bakewell and Ashford in the Water
- Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 (Note 127) : summary report detailing by use of examples the component stages involved in undertaking an LOS assessment
- Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 annex A (Note 127) : referencing of reaches and areas benefiting from protection
- Flood defence levels of service : stage 2. Final report (Note 127)
- Flood defence technical liaison manual : (guidelines for land drainage consenting and planning liaison)
- Flood defences : the Lower Witham strategy
- Flood warning information : River Mimram catchment : North Hertfordshire
- Flood warning information for Berkshire, North East Hampshire and Surrey : River Loddon catchment
- Flood warning information for East Hertfordshire : Middle River Lee catchment
- Flood warning information for East Hertfordshire : River Ash catchment
- Flood warning information for East London and West Essex : River Roding catchment
- Flood warning information for London : Tidal Thames catchment
- Flood warning information for North East Hertfordshire : River Rib catchment
- Flood warning information for North Surrey : The Bournes catchment
- Flood warning information for North West London : River Brent catchment
- Flood warning information for Northern Hertfordshire : River Beane catchment
- Flood warning information for Oxfordshire, South Northamptonshire and West Buckinghamshire : River Cherwell catchment
- Flood warning information for South Buckinghamshire : River Wye catchment
- Flood warning information for South East Bedfordshire and Northern Hertfordshire : Upper River Lee catchment
- Flood warning information for South London : River Wandle catchment
- Flood warning information for South West London : Beverley Brook catchment
- Flood warning information for South West London and Surrey : Hogsmill River catchment
- Flood warning information for Surrey and West Sussex : River Mole catchment
- Flood warning information for the Hertfordshire/Essex border : River Stort catchment
- Flood warning information for the river Witham and tributaries in Lincolnshire
- Flood warning information for West London : River Crane catchment
- Flooding survey June 1990 : lower Trent catchment and Nottinghamshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
- Flooding survey June 1990 : River Avon catchment and Warwickshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
- Flooding survey June 1990 : River Derwent catchment and Derbyshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
- Flooding survey June 1990 : River Tame catchment and West Midlands : section 136(1) water act 1989
- Flooding survey June 1990 : upper Severn catchment, Shropshire and Powys : section 136 (1) water act 1989
- Floodlink : Midlands region : Issue 2 - Winter 2002
- Flow and Level Criteria for Coarse Fish and Conservation Species
- Flow protection criteria for adult salmon - phase 3 case studies
- Frankwell flood alleviation scheme, Shrewsbury
- Freshwater biological indicators of pesticide contamination
- Freshwater Tamar and tributaries : consultation draft
- Freshwater Tamar and tributaries catchment management plan : action plan
- Freshwater Tamar and tributaries catchment management plan : consultation report
- Freshwater Tamar and tributaries plan from July 1999 to July 2004
- Freshwater Tamar catchment management plan : first annual review : April 1996 to March 1997
- Frome and Piddle catchment management plan : action plan : February 1996
- Frome and Piddle catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1995
- Front Cover of Turbulence in Lakes and Rivers
- Further Development and Testing Of Artificial Intelligence Systems for the Classification and Diagnosis of River Quality Based on Biological and Environmental Data
- Further development of airborne remote sensing techniques;
- Further Validation of PHABSIM for the Habitat Requirements of Salmonid Fish
- Gainsborough flood alleviation scheme
- General Quality Assessment (GQA) Devon Area 1994
- General Quality Assessment (GQA) North Wessex Area 1994
- General Quality Assessment (GQA) South Wessex Area 1994
- Genetics and ecology of spined loach in England: implications for conservation management
- Getting afloat in the Midlands : a guide to using waterways in the region
- Gipping/Stour catchment management plan : consultation report
- Gipping/Stour catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Gipping/Stour catchment management plan : final plan
- Glaslyn, Dwyryd, Artro catchment management plan : action plan : bilingual version, 1996
- Glaslyn, Dwyryd, Artro catchment management plan : consultation report May 1995
- Glaslyn/Dwyryd/Artro catchment management plan: consultation report summary
- Gold Corner pumping station
- Goyt/Etherow sub-catchment report
- Graphical display program for SIMCAT (202/1/A)
- Graphical representation of certain metals and organics concentrations in relation to flow rates and sampling times for some of the rivers in District 6
- Graphical representation of certain metals and organics concentrations versus flow rates for some of the rivers in Districts 3 and 6
- Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1996-1997
- Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1997-1998
- Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1998-1999
- Grimsby / Ancholme LEAP : March 2000
- Grimsby catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
- Grimsby catchment management plan : summary report : November 1994
- Grimsby/Ancholme : draft leap : June 1999
- Groundwater development scheme : Little Ouse and Thet catchment : control rules
- Guardian of the water environment
- Guidance notes for riparian landowners
- Guide to freshwater fishing in Norfolk and Suffolk
- Guide to freshwater fishing in the Northern area of Anglian Region
- Guide to River Thames lock and weir fishing
- Guide to the Medway navigation
- Guide to the Medway navigation 1994
- Guidelines for Electric Fishing Best Practice
- Guidelines for river corridor surveys in the NRA : February 1992. draft 3
- Habitat improvement manual : interim report
- Habitat preferences of the bullhead (Cottus gobio) in some Norfolk rivers
- Hambledon lock
- Hambledon lock: official opening pack
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight area annual review : May 2000 (New Forest LEAP)
- Hampshire Avon : consultation draft : December 1998
- Hampshire Avon : plan from April 2000 to March 2005
- Hampshire Avon catchment abstraction management strategy : July 2005
- Hampshire Avon catchment management : consultation report : October 1992
- Hampshire Avon catchment management : consultation report summary : October 1992
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : final report
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : second annual review
- Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : third annual review
- Hampshire Avon DTC Deposited fine-grained sediment monitoring data 2010-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Deposited Fine-grained Sediment Monitoring Dataset 2010-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Diatom Monitoring Data 2011-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Diatom Monitoring Dataset 2011-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Ecological Monitoring
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Data 2010-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Dataset 2010-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macrophyte Monitoring Data 2011-2013
- Hampshire Avon DTC Macrophyte Monitoring Dataset 2011-2013
- Hampshire Avon plan from April 2000 to March 2005
- Hampshire Avon Salmon Action Plan : consultation document
- Hampshire Avon salmon action plan : September 1997
- Hampshire Avon salmon radio tracking report 1986 - 1990 : final report
- Hampshire Avon second annual review November 1996
- Hampshire salmon investigation report on salmon radio tracking 1991
- Hampshire salmon seminar 5th October 1993
- Harbour of Rye management plan
- Hartland and Clovelly streams : catchment action plan
- Hartland streams river water quality classification 1990
- Hartland streams river water quality classification 1991
- Health and ecotoxicology of otters: summary of four studies from 1988-2003
- Health status of otters in southern and south west England 1996-2003
- Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in European eels anguilla anguilla L. from Sussex rivers - appendices : draft : part II
- Helford Estuary Gweek Quay sediment quality data report
- Heybridge flood alleviation scheme : consultation document
- Hillfarrance flood defence scheme
- Hiz, Oughton and Purwell environmental appraisal. Vol 1 appendices
- Hiz, Oughton and Purwell environmental appraisal. Vol 3 appendices
- Hogsmill catchment landscape assessment
- Hope Cove : non-compliance in 1998 with the European Community bathing water directive (76/160/EEC)
- Hull and East Riding : consultation report august 1997
- Hull and East Riding : first annual review, May 1999 : May 1999
- Hull and East Riding local environment agency plan : August 1998
- Humber estuary catchment management plan : action plan : May 1995
- Hurn Weir fish pass
- Hydroacoustic methods of fish survey. NRA progress report : September 1992
- Hydroacoustic methods of fish surveys. Vol.1
- Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing Trials, Lea Marston, 18 and 19 March 1996
- Hydrometric asset condition survey action plan 1998 - 2001 : annex 1
- Hydrometric report and catalogue 1996
- Hydrometry : the science of measuring the water cycle
- Hysim model : modelling the flows of the River Deben
- Identification of pollution incidents potentially affecting routine monitoring sites 1991-1992 : draft report
- Identification of water quality problems in the Strat and Neet catchments
- Idle and Torne action plan - October 2000
- Idle and Torne catchment management plan : first annual review November 1996 - July 1998
- Idle and Torne consultation plan - November 1999
- Igapo (Amazon rainforest)
- Impact assessment of acidic and metalliferous pollution in the Fowley Stream
- Impact assessment of Helston Sewage Treatment Works on water quality of the River Cober Loe Pool
- Impact assessment of Meldon quarry on water quality in the West Okement river
- Impact assessment of scour valve test at Roadford Reservoir on water quality of the River Lyd
- Impact Of Conifer Harvesting And Replanting On Upland Water Quality
- Impact of lowland forestry on water quality (P-22)
- Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame
- Implementation of the EC freshwater fish directive : water quality requirements for the support of fish life : report of the National Rivers Authority
- Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
- Initial Radiological Assessment Methodology - Part 1 User Report
- Instream Flow Requirements of the River Wissey, Norfolk, Annex C - April 1993
- Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
- Interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire rivers April 1995 to April 1996
- Invertebrate animals of the tidal Thames
- Investigate EC dangerous substance failure at R18A007 for 1994 : final draft report
- Investigating Links Between Bacterial Exotoxins and Unexplained Fish Kills: Phase 3
- Investigating the Applicability of Passive Sampling Devices to Pesticide Monitoring
- Investigation into failures of the River Dalch from Canns Mill Bridge to below Lapford sewage treatment works (2001)
- Investigation into farm pollution at Wheddon Cross (1999)
- Investigation into macroinvertebrate sampling variability (01/T/001)
- Investigation into potential exfiltration of raw sewage from Salcombe sewer
- Investigation into the impact of Henstridge sewage treatment works on the River Umber, North Devon
- Investigation into the storm overflow discharge regime of Hill Barton Seawage Treatment Works Okehampton
- Investigation of salinity in the river Thurne catchment of North East Norfolk
- Investigation of the impact on water quality of the SWW Teign estuary sewerage trenching activity
- Investigation to monitor storm sewer overflow events from Kenn and Kennford STW and pumping station
- Investigations into the extent of saline water ingress into the River Parrett and the River Tone : February, March 1994
- Investigations into the status of fisheries, biological and water quality in the River Pelenna catchment, prior to the treatment of discharges from abandoned coal mines : PL/EAW/95/3
- Investigations of discharges into the River Lemon at Newton Abbot
- Ipswich flood defence management strategy study 2002
- Ipswich flood defence management strategy study strategic options 2003
- Ipswich flood defences
- Irwell catchment management consultation report : summary
- Irwell Catchment Management First Annual review February 1997
- Isle of Wight and East Hampshire Rivers catchments management plan : consultants' briief
- Isle of Wight catchment management plan : action plan
- Isle of Wight catchment management plan : consultation report
- Isle of Wight LEAP : consultation draft plan, March 1999
- Isle of Wight Local Environment Agency Plan : January 2000
- Kennet and Coln river levels study. Volume two - River Coln : final report
- Kennet catchment : time of travel studies final report
- Kennet Valley LEAP November 2000
- Kent area annual review : May 2000
- Kent area LEAP
- Kent area local environment agency plan : Consultation draft
- Kent area local environment agency plan : September 1999
- Kentish Stour area LEAP : consultation draft plan
- Kentish Stour area LEAP : environmental overview May 1999
- Kentish Stour catchment management plan : consultation report
- Kentish Stour local Environment Agency plan : March 2000
- Killiow Stream pollution biological impact assessment
- Kingsteignton flood plan : public information leaflet
- Land drainage and sea defence byelaws
- Land drainage and sea defence byelaws
- Land drainage and sea defence byelaws in Southern Region
- Land Use and Fisheries Report of the Pilot Study
- Land use assessment of non-tidal main rivers in the southern region of the National Rivers Authority : report EX 2922
- Land use practices and pathways of pesticide residues in the Mount's Bay catchment, Cornwall
- Lands End streams river water quality classification 1990
- Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Main Report
- Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Summary Report
- Leven Estuary project : fisheries component, final report
- Lewes flooding fact sheet : Environment Agency
- Life in rivers
- Liggard Brook and Main Drain improvement scheme
- Lincolnshire catchment panel field visit, Friday 7 June 1996
- Lincolnshire Local Flood Defence Committee : annual report 1996/97
- Linking hydrology and ecology : River Wissey : Annex B aquatic macrophytes of the River Wissey
- List II metals : evaluation of standards using field data
- Little Avon catchment water quality plan
- Living waterways - a showcase of waterside rejuvenation projects
- Lizard Peninsular streams and Helford River catchment river water quality classification 1990
- Llyn Clywedog (NRA Severn-Trent 64)
- Llyn Tegid dual pumping scheme : preliminary study report
- Local environment agency plan : Mersey/ Bollin : Draft action plan 1999
- Local Environment Agency plan Cheviot and East Northumberland consultation report
- Local Environment Agency plan Derwent : consultation report
- Local Environment Agency plan Derwent action plan
- Local Environment Agency plan Esk and coast (Hartlepool to Filey Bay) : consultation report, November 1997
- Local environment agency plan Nidd and Wharfe action plan
- Local environment agency plan Nidd and Wharfe consultation report
- Local environment agency plan Swale, Ure and Ouse action plan
- Local environment agency plan Swale, Ure and Ouse consultation report
- Local environment agency plan Wear consultation report
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in and around Burton-upon-Trent, Nuneaton and Tamworth : Local Environment Action Plan (LEAP) for Burton, Nuneaton and Tamworth : 1st annual review
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in and around Leicester, Loughborough, Melton Mowbray, Shepshed, Narborough, Syston and Kegworth : Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) for the Soar : 3rd annual review : August 2001
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in and around Nottingham, Derby, Newark-on-Trent, Gainsborough, Scunthorpe and Ilkeston. : Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) for the Lower Trent and erewash : 2nd annual review July 2002
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in Shrewsbury, Shawbury, Newport, Telford, Shifnal, Much Wenlock, Bridgmorth, Bewdley, Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Worcester : Environment Agency newsletter for the Middle Severn, May 2003.
- Local environment focus : local environmental issues in Wolverhampton, Dudley, Kidderminster, Wombourne, Kinver, Stourbridge, Halesowen and West Hagley : Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) for the West Midlands Stour : 3rd annual review December 2001
- Locks and weirs on the river Thames : how do they work?
- Lodes - Granta groundwater development scheme river regulation trials - River Bourn. Final report
- Lodes-Granta groundwater scheme
- Loughor and North Gower : consultation report : February 1996
- Loughor and North Gower action plan (Bilingual) : Llwchwr a Gogledd Gwyr cynllun gweithredu (Bilingual)
- Louth coastal : consultation report
- Louth coastal LEAP second annual review April 2001
- Low flow augmentation study : River Nar : Phase 1. Stage 1 : draft planning report
- Low flow augmentation study, River Wensum : Phase 1 Stage 1 draft planning report
- Low Flow Frequency Analysis Guidelines for Best Practice
- Low flows and water resources : facts on the top 40 low flow rivers in England and Wales
- Low flows and water resources : facts on the top 40 low flow rivers in England and Wales
- Low-cost modifications of the Crump weir to improve fish passage
- Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
- Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1995
- Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan : first annual review
- Lower Colne catchment management plan for flood defence and the environment : third draft
- Lower Colne improvement scheme : environmental costs and benefits
- Lower Colne improvement scheme November 1995 : Shire Ditch and Colne Brook, Uxbridge
- Lower Lee catchment plan : consultation report : January 1995
- Lower Lee catchment plan : consultation report : March 1995
- Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
- Lower Mersey action plan : October 1997
- Lower Mersey LEAP annual review : September 2001
- Lower Mersey LEAP first annual review 1999
- Lower Nene : options for resources : environmental asset survey : baseline report : final
- Lower Nene catchment management plan : annual review September 1996
- Lower Nene catchment management plan : consultation report
- Lower Nene catchment management plan : summary report
- Lower River Colne : draft catchment management plan
- Lower Thames fact file : from Hurley to Teddington
- Lower Thames LEAP (Hurley to Teddington) : 3rd annual review December 2001
- Lower Trent and Erewash : consultation draft February 1999
- Lower Witham catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1995
- Lune : action plan 1998 - 2003
- Lune local environment agency plan : consultation report February 1998
- Lune local environment agency plan annual review : summary 2000/2001report
- Lymington Estuary tidal defence scheme
- Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
- Macroinvertebrates of the River Nar : Great Ouse catchment : draft report
- Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme - National Association of Flood Defence chairmen visit to the project site on 1 May 1991
- Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme - water quality proof : public enquiry September 1992
- Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme-water quality study : final report
- Making an impact on the ground key achievements in 2002 - Somerset area
- Making Information Available for Integrated Catchment Management
- Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
- Management of River Severn regulation
- Managing flood risk river Tamar October 2006
- Managing flood risk through effective stakeholder engagement
- Managing the Humber Estuary : the Environment Agency's approach
- Meanders in the Amazon River
- Medway catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy April 2005
- Medway catchment flood management plan : example inception report : revision A01
- Medway LEAP : consultation draft - January 1999
- Medway LEAP : environmental overview : January 1999
- Medway Local Environment Agency Plan : November 1999
- Melton Mowbray flood alleviation scheme : innovation through partnership
- Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (1986 - 1992) (OI/420/8/A annex) : annex to main report
- Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (1986 - 1992) : executive summary (OI/420/9/A)
- Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (OI/420/8/A)
- Mercury, methylmercury and copper in the River Yare, Norfolk : report to the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
- Mercury, methylmercury and copper in the River Yare, Norfolk : summary of a report to the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
- Mersey sub-catchment report : February 1996
- Mersey/Bollin Local Environment Agency Plan : environmental overview
- Mesotrophic rivers in Anglian region : phase 1 June 1994
- Mesotrophic rivers in Anglian region : progress report 4 December 1995
- Method for assessing the heritage value of net fisheries
- Micro low flows average and low flow estimation in the SW region : validation of version 1.2 software
- Micro low flows average and low flows estimation in the SW region : validation of regional version 1.1 software
- Micro low flows average and low flows estimation in the SW region : validation of regional version 1.3 software
- Middle Severn : action plan - November 1997
- Middle Severn : consultation report
- Middle Severn : first annual review : January 1999
- Middle Severn : second annual review - January 2000
- Middle Thames fact file
- Modelling the contribution from non-agricultural sources to nitrate pollution in the Sor Brook (Thames Region) (UC 3134)
- Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides Following Short Duration Releases to Rivers
- Monitoring of organo-chlorine pesticides in coastal rivers of Cornwall
- Monitoring of rivers and effluents
- Monitoring of the Priory storm overflow on the River Tone at Taunton : June - November 1991 and water quality investigations unit January 1992
- Monitoring of the River Burn upstream and downstream of Burnham Market sewage treatment works 1999
- Monitoring the effects of a combined sewer overflow discharge to a small watercourse in South Wales
- Murchison Falls
- Narrowboats on the Thames : useful hints and tips
- National Rivers Authority annual report and accounts 1989/90
- National Rivers Authority annual report and accounts 1995/96
- National Rivers Authority river quality survey GQA assessment 1993 Nothumbria and Yorkshire Region. Part 1 Reach classification : Freshwater rivers and canals
- National Rivers Authority Severn Trent Region : information (NRA Severn-Trent 50)
- National Rivers Authority, Severn-Trent Region (NRA Severn-Trent 55)
- National Rivers Authority/Po River Basin Authority collaboration programme : (collection of documents)
- National Rivers Authority/Po River Basin Authority collaboration programme : improved monitoring systems for river water quality : comparison of experiences
- National Rivers Authority/Po River Basin Authority collaboration programme : improved monitoring systems for river water quality : secretariat meeting, Parma, 13-15 December 1995 : programme and briefing notes
- Naturalisation of the Orton flow record
- Navigation fact file (5/9)
- Navigation restoration and environmental appraisal: a guidance note
- Navigations in the Anglian region (EA)
- Navigations in the Anglian Region (NRA)
- Nene LEAP : [second] annual review 2001
- Nene Valley water level management strategy : information status report
- Nene Valley water level management strategy : position statement September 1996
- Nene waterways partnership initiative : strategy consultation document
- New Defences for Christchurch
- New Forest LEAP
- New Forest leap : consultation report (April 1998)
- New Forest Local Environment Agency plan : consultation report summary
- Newton Abbot flood plan : public information leaflet
- Ninth Annual Report for year ended 31st March, 1974
- Nitrates in surface water, inputs and seasonality
- Nitrification rates in rivers and estuaries
- Non-compliance of the Bidwell Brook with river quality objectives
- Non-compliance with water quality objectives on the Croyde stream (upper catchment)
- Norfolk and Suffolk Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1997/98
- Norfolk and Suffolk Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1998/99
- North Cornwall coastal streams : catchment action plan
- North Devon coast and Lyn catchment river water quality classification 1990
- North Devon coast and Lyn catchment river water quality classification 1991
- North Devon coastal streams : catchment action plan
- North Devon streams : action plan, August 1997
- North Devon streams : consultation report, October 1996
- North Devon streams : first annual review, October 1998
- North Devon streams : second annual review : October 1999
- North Devon streams : third annual review, April 2001
- North Essex : action plan : November 1998
- North Essex : consultation report, February 1998
- North Kent LEAP : consultation draft, March 1999
- North Kent LEAP : environmental overview
- North Kent local environment agency plan : December 1999
- North Norfolk : action plan : March 1997
- North Norfolk : consultation report : June 1996
- North Norfolk catchment flood management plan : summary of scoping report, December 2006
- North Somerset rivers : action plan : November 1998
- North Somerset rivers : first annual review - April 2000
- North Somerset rivers : second annual review
- North Wessex area routine fishery survey By Brook March - August 1999
- North Wessex routine survey report : River Parrett 1994
- North Wessex routine survey report : River Tone 1994
- North West Norfolk catchment management plan : action plan : November 1995
- North West Norfolk catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1995
- North West Norfolk catchment management plan : summary report : March 1995
- North West Norfolk local environment agency plan : statement of consultation : September 2000
- Northumbria Region Plan Summary 1991/92
- NRA Anglian Region Plan Summary 1991/1992
- NRA navigation strategy
- NRA research and development programme topic B2 : flow regimes : project B2.2 : low flow conditions
- Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
- Nutrient export modelling on the River Bure, Norfolk : progress report 2 : June-July 1995
- Objectives for rivers and canals and river water quality 1992
- Occurrence of cryptosporidium oocysts in river water
- Oestrogenic Endocrine Disruption in fish - developing biological effect measurement tools and generating hazard data
- Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
- Ouse Washes : summer flood control
- Owen Falls Dam
- Oxbow
- Past achievements, present activities, future vision : annual review and summary accounts 1994-95 (Bilingual) : Llwyddiannau'r gorffennol gweithgareddau'r presennol gweledigaeth y dyfodol 1994-95 (Bilingual)
- PEP talk : Progressive Environmental Protection in North Wessex Area
- Pesticide residues in fish taken from the Newlyn River (1992)
- Pesticides monitoring data report 1997 to 1999 : final draft report COR/99/035
- Phosphorus in the Thames catchment
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities (346/1/A) : interim report
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities (346/2/A) : interim report
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : draft final report : appendices
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : interim report August 1993
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : progress report
- Physical environment for river invertebrate communities : project report : annex (data)
- Planning application for the proposed Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme January 1991
- Policy and practice for the protection of floodplains
- Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - Thames region appendix
- Pollution control on the River Alt
- Pollution prevention and control update - Anglian region
- Pollution risk assessment remediation exercise : River Fowey catchment
- Pollution travel time tables : River Derwent catchment
- Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in eels from Welsh Rivers
- Porth, Gluvian and Menalhyl catchment river water quality classification 1990
- Porth, Gluvian and Menalhyl catchment river water quality classification 1991
- Post mortem study of otters in England and Wales 1992-2003
- PRAIRIE(tm) Guidance
- Presentation on river catchment management plans
- Procedure for quality assurance for RIVPACS compatible macro-invertebrate samples analysed to the taxonomic level needed for the BMWP-score system
- Proposed wye navigation order
- Protecting the Kenwith Valley, Bideford
- Protecting your homes : flood alleviation scheme for Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton
- Protective coating of structures against corrosion
- Provenance of Interstitial Sediment Retrieved from Salmonid Spawning Gravels in England and Wales
- Public Attitudes Towards Angling
- Quality assurance for phytoplankton data
- Quality audit of biological samples for the 1990 river quality survey
- Quality audit of biological samples for the 1991 river quality survey
- Quality control manual for computational estuarine modelling
- Rainfall-runoff and other modelling for ungauged/low-benefit locations
- Ranunculus in Chalk Rivers Phase 2
- Rapid Assessment of Physical Habitat Sensitivity to Abstraction (RAPHSA)
- Rapids
- Ravenglass Harbour : microbiological survey April 1991
- Reciprocal licensing arrangement for boaters
- Recreation and amenity surveys of identified low flow rivers. Part 1 : survey report
- Recreational waterway byelaws in the Anglian region
- Recreational waterways in the anglian region
- Red River (R23A003) EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1993 : final draft report
- Red River (R23A003) EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1994 : May 1996. COR/96/004
- Red River : catchment action plan
- Red River catchment river water quality classification 1991
- Red River, Portreath, Bolingey and Perranporth catchment river water quality classification 1990
- Redgrave and Lopham Fens alleviation scheme : project appraisal report : version 1.0
- Reduction in aldrin and dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn River
- Regional fishing guide : a guide to day ticket waters in the Midlands
- Regional review 1989/90
- Regional review 1989/90
- Regional river quality monitoring and surveillance : results of the 1990/1991 biological survey : draft report
- Regional Rivers Advisory Committee : water quality 1992
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : biological impact assessment of discharges on receiving waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : biological quality assessment of rivers
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : impact assessment of effluent discharges on receiving waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality assessment of river waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality investigations in controlled waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1993 : biological assessment of discharges on receiving waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1993 : biological assessment of rivers : draft report
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1993 : quality investigations in controlled waters : final draft report
- Report for Anglian Water, plc on the use of the Orwell Estuary mathematical model to derive long term consent limits for Cliff Quay STW
- Report of a workshop on salmon stock enhancement
- Report on alternative methods of river bank protection : Norfolk District
- Report on the 1995 stock assessment of the Douglas catchment
- Restoration of riverine fisheries habitats - first progress report for period July 1991 - February 1992
- Restoration of Riverine Salmon Habitats A Guidance Manual
- Review And Appraisal Of Water Pollution Control Equipment
- Review of environmental statement Rive Axe option : implications for water quality
- Review of fishery regulations on the Rivers Taw and Torridge
- Review of fluvial R and D - Topic C1: supporting information
- Review of low velocity measurement techniques (280/1/A)
- Review of Sea Trout Fecundity
- Rhone cut-off arm
- Rhymney catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1996
- Rhymney catchment management plan : consultation report summary January 1996 (bilingual) : Cynnlun rheoli dalgylch Rhymni : crynodeb o'r adroddiad ymgynghorol
- Ribble : consultation draft : June 1999
- Ribble action plan 2000-2005
- Ribble action plan summary
- Ribble catchment management consultation report summary : March 1995
- Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Nutrient Impacts in Surface Freshwater Bodies
- River Adur : fact files 6
- River Aire : factfile
- River Ancholme catchment management plan : action plan
- River Ancholme catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1996
- River Ancholme catchment management plan : summary report : January 1996
- River Ancholme navigation
- River Ancholme waterway plan
- River Arun catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Avon : catchment action plan
- River Avon catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Avon users' handbook
- River Avon, Bath : aesthetic study of riverbanks through the urban area of Bath : final report
- River Axe : catchment action plan
- River Axe abstraction : implications for water quality
- River Axe catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Axe catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Axe fisheries survey 1994
- River Blackwater fact file
- River Bovey and Bovey minor tributaries corridor survey : October-November 1990 : a report prepared for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
- River Calder : fact file
- River Calder RHS evaluation : final report
- River Cam fact file
- River Camel : catchment action plan
- River Camel catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Camel catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Camel EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1993
- River Camel headwaters nutrient project
- River catchment data report 1996
- River catchment management plans : brief for consultants
- River catchment management plans : data report
- River catchment management plans : offer of services - main proposal
- River catchment plans for flood defence and land drainage : River Stort - evaluation report
- River Channel Typology: Feasibility for Use in River Management
- River Cherwell catchment management plan : action plan : February 1996
- River Cherwell catchment management plan : consultation report : April 1995
- River Cherwell catchment management plan : draft action plan
- River Cherwell Catchment Management Plan Action Plan
- River Cherwell catchment management plan consultation report : summary leaflet
- River Cherwell catchment review
- River Cherwell consultation report
- River Cherwell fact file
- River Chess, River Misbourne fact file
- River classification : fact file
- River Clwyd catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : Cynllun Rheoli Dalgylch Afon Clwyd Cynllun Gweithredu
- River Cober : catchment action plan
- River Cober catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Cober catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Cole fisheries survey 1992
- River Colne fact file
- River Conwy catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1993
- River Conwy catchment management plan : consultation report summary : Spring 1993
- River corridor strategic overview feasibility study : a report to the National Rivers Authority
- River Corridor Surveys
- River Darent : strategy for the enhancement of the River Darent, Kent
- River Darent action plan
- River Darent catchment management plan : action plan
- River Darent catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Darent low flow alleviation. Annex 2 : Darent catchment investigation, model investigation results
- River Dart : action plan
- River Dart : catchment action plan
- River Dart : consultation report
- River Dart catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Dart catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Dart net limitation order review
- River Dart salmon spawning target and compliance assessment
- River Darwen : catchment review 1984-1995
- River Deben (Suffolk) pollution prevention project 2001/2
- River Deben alleviation of low flows scheme : an environmental appraisal. Additional background information
- River Deben alleviation of low flows scheme : an environmental appraisal. Appendices
- River Deben alleviation of low flows scheme : an environmental appraisal. Final report
- River Deben augmentation feasibility study for iron removal : interim report
- River Dee catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1996: Cynllun Gweithrediad Cynllun Rheoli Dalgylch Dyfrdwy 1996
- River Dee water protection zone : a consultation document
- River Dee water resources strategy : consultation document
- River Eden and Solway Coast catchment management consultation report summary : October 1995
- River Ely catchment management plan : consultation report March 1994
- River Erewash catchment management plan : action plan : August 1995
- River Erewash catchment management plan : consultation report summary (NRA Severn-Trent 23)
- River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
- River Erme : catchment action plan
- River Erme catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Erme catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Erme fisheries survey 1994
- River Esk fact file
- River Exe : catchment action plan
- River Exe Action Plan August 1996
- River Exe catchment management plan : action plan (1996)
- River Exe catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Exe catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Exe catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Fal : catchment action plan
- River Fal catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Fal catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Fish Habitat Inventory Phase 3 phase III: multi-species models
- River flooding - Stepping stones
- River flow and rainfall statistics updated to 31st December 1992
- River Flow Indexing using benthic macroinvertebrates
- River Fowey : catchment action plan
- River Fowey catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Fowey catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Frome F1 Spring 2008
- River Frome F2 Spring 2008
- River Frome F3 Spring 2008
- River Frome F4 Spring 2008
- River Frome F5 Spring 2008
- River Gannel : catchment action plan
- River Gannel catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Gannel catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Glen : river channel assessment : annex A a report of the nature, availability and extent of data and information relating to the River Glen and its catchment
- River Glen : river channel assessment : annex B : an analysis of invertebrate records for the River Glen 1976-1991
- River Glen : river channel assessment : annex C : an assessment of low flow characteristics of the River Glen, Lincolnshire
- River Glen : river channel assessment : annex E : instream habitat assessment of the River Glen, Lincolnshire
- River Glen : river channel assessment : executive summary
- River Glen : river channel assessment : main report
- River Glen navigation
- River Great Ouse navigation : the Great Ouse your river for life
- River Habitat Quality the physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
- River habitats in England and Wales : a national overview : river habitat survey report no 1
- River Hayle : catchment action plan
- River Hayle catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Hayle catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Hiz : alleviation of low flows
- River Hodder juvenile fish stock assessment 1998, with particular reference to salmonids
- River in the Dourdogne region
- River Irwell catchment management plan : action plan : September 1995
- River Irwell catchment management plan : consultation report : chapter five - River Irk sub-catchment : September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan : consultation report : chapter four - River Croal sub-catchment : September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan : consultation report : chapter one - River Irwell introduction : September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan : consultation report : chapter two - Upper Irwell sub-catchment : September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan : water quality supplement
- River Irwell catchment management plan: consultation report : chapter three - River Roch sub-catchment: September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan: consultation report: chapter seven - Lower Irwell sub-catchment: September 1994
- River Irwell catchment management plan: consultation report: chapter six - River Medlock sub-catchment: September 1994
- River Itchen catchment management : consultation report summary
- River Itchen catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Itchen catchment management plan : final report
- River Itchen data file : Woodmill, Swaythling, Fleming Park, Eastleigh, Monmouth Close, Chandlers Ford
- River Kennet catchment management plan : annual review 1994/95 : June 1995
- River Kennet Catchment Management Plan : Consultation Report
- River Kennet catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1993
- River Kennet Catchment Management Plan : draft action plans
- River Kennet catchment management plan : final report : April 1994
- River Kennet catchment management plan : final report summary leaflet: April 1994
- River Kennet catchment management plan : third annual review (August 1996 - August 1997)
- River Kennet catchment management plan : third annual review (July 1996 - July 1997) : second and final draft
- River landscape assessment : methods and procedures
- River Lark : biological monitoring 1989-91, RE Isleham WTW
- River Lark fact file
- River Lemon corridor survey : a report prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
- River Lim : catchment action plan
- River Lim catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Lim catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Loddon / Basingstoke STW SIMCAT modelling (UC 3330) : final report
- River Loddon fact file
- River Looe : catchment action plan
- River Looe catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Looe catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Lot
- River Lyn fisheries survey 1994
- River Lynher : catchment action plan
- River Lynher catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Lynher catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Management Guidelines (Operational Activities) Phase 1 - Scoping Study
- River Meavy salmon and sea trout populations : assessment of the impact of flows
- River Medway : a user's guide
- River Medway catchment management plan : final report
- River Medway catchment management plan : phase 1
- River Mirmram fact file
- River Misbourne alleviation of low flows : progress report
- River Mole : action plan : December 1996
- River Mole catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1996
- River Mole derogation fisheries survey : Thames Metropolitan 1989
- River Nar eutrophication studies : diatoms : draft report
- River Nene waterway plan
- River of North West London fact file
- River Otter : catchment action plan
- River Otter : environmental data review. Volume 1 : summary : River Otter environmental study 1993/94
- River Otter : environmental data review. Volume 2 : text : River Otter environmental study 1993/94
- River Otter : environmental data review. Volume 3 : figures and tables : River Otter environmental study 1993/94
- River Otter : environmental data review. Volume 4 : appendices : River Otter environmental study 1993/94
- River Otter catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Otter catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Otter low flow study : phase three report
- River Ouse to Seaford Head coastal defence strategy
- River pack : information sheets about the NRA and the water environment
- River Par and Crinnis catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Par and Crinnis catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Parrett : action plan : December 1997
- River Parrett : consultation report : March 1997
- River Parrett : first annual review : June 1999
- River Parrett : third annual review
- River Piddle low flows : remedial action
- River Piddle P1 Spring 2008
- River Piddle P2 Spring 2008
- River Piddle P3 Spring 2008
- River Piddle P4 Spring 2008
- River Piddle P5 Spring 2008
- River Piddle Spring 2008
- River Plym : catchment action plan
- River Plym catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Plym catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River pollution and how to avoid it
- River quality : 1991
- River quality : 1993
- River quality : April 1992 - March 1993
- River quality : July 1990 - June 1991
- River quality : July 1991 - June 1992
- River quality : July 1992 - June 1993
- River quality : October 1992 - September 1993
- River quality classification 1985-1989
- River quality classification 1985-1990 : identification of possible causes of non-compliance with river quality objectives
- River quality in England and Wales : a report of the 1990 survey
- River quality objectives
- River quality schemes
- River quality survey NRA Northumbria and Yorkshire region GQA assessment 1994. Part 1 Reach classification. Freshwater rivers and canals
- River quality survey NRA Northumbria and Yorkshire region GQA assessment 1994. Part 2 sample point report
- River quality survey NRA Northumbria and Yorkshire region GQA assessment 1995. Part 1 Reach classification. Freshwater rivers and canals
- River Ray, Oxon : fisheries survey 1989
- River Ray, Wiltshire : fisheries survey 1989
- River Rhymney wildlife habitat improvements
- River Ribble catchment management plan : first annual review
- River Ribble juvenile fish stock assessment 1998, with particular reference to salmonids
- River Roding fact file
- River Seaton : catchment action plan
- River Seaton catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Seaton catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : action plan : November 1995
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : annual review
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : consulation report : May 1995
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : second annual review : January 1998
- River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : action plan : June 1995
- River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
- River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : consultation report summary 1994
- River Severn upper reaches catchment management plan : first annual review : July 1995 - June 1996
- River Sid : catchment action plan
- River Sid catchment : river water quality classification 1990
- River Sid catchment : river water quality classification 1991
- River Stort : draft catchment management plan for flood defence and the environment : May 1991
- River Stort fact file
- River Stour catchment management plan : annual review
- River Stour catchment management plan : consultation document : December 1992
- River Stour catchment management plan : final plan : December 1993
- River Stour catchment management plan : second annual review : January to December 1995
- River Stour catchment management plan : third annual review
- River Strat catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Strat catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River stretch quality : part 1 : river stretch reference information
- River Taff catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1996
- River Tamar (not Tavy and Lynher) : catchment action plan
- River Tamar catchment management plan : draft consultation report : 1st draft internal consultation, Cornwall area catchment planning
- River Tamar catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Tamar catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Tamar EC dangerous substance directive failure 1993 : final draft report
- River Tamar EC freshwater fish directive failure 1994 : final draft report, June 1996 COR/96/005
- River Tavy catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Tavy catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Tavy EC Freshwater Fish Directive failure 1993
- River Taw : catchment action plan
- River Taw : habitat rehabilitation 1992
- River Taw catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Taw catchment management plan : public consulatation
- River Taw catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Taw catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Tees : fact file
- River Teign : catchment action plan
- River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
- River Teign net limitation order review, September 2002
- River Teme catchment management plan : consultation report : September 1995
- River Teme catchment management plan : third annual review, April 1998 - March 1999
- River Teme Local Environment Agency Plan : first annual review
- River Test catchment management plan : final report
- River Test Forum : 31.10.90
- River Thame fact file
- River Thames (Benson to Hurley) Pang and Wye catchment review (draft)
- River Thames (Buscot to Eynsham), Windrush and Evenlode catchment review : final report
- River Thames (Eynsham to Benson) and Ock : catchment review
- River Tone catchment management plan : consultation report
- River Torridge catchment action plan
- River Torridge catchment action plan
- River Torridge catchment management plan : consultation report : May 1993
- River Torridge catchment management plan : consultation report public consultation (leaflet)
- River Torridge catchment management plan : final report
- River Torridge catchment management plan : stage 1 : statement of catchment uses and problem identification
- River Torridge catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Torridge catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River Tyne index report : report two, 2005
- River Valency and Crackington Streams catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Valency and Crackington Streams catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River views advertising rates
- River water quality 1991 classification by determinand : environmental protection internal report
- River water quality 1992 classification by determinand : environmental protection draft final report
- River water quality in the Midlands 1994/95 : water quality summary data
- River water quality in the Midlands 1997
- River water quality in the Midlands 1998
- River Wear at Durham : section 105 - C30/92 surveys
- River Wear catchment management plan : action plan
- River Weirs - Good Practice Guide
- River Welland and River Glen waterway plan
- River Welland navigation
- River Windrush fact file
- River Wissey hydrometric scheme drilling contract : factual report
- River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : executive summary (OI/526/1/A)
- River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : summary of a recommendations for the River Wissey (OI/526)
- River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : the basis for in-river flow management. Final Draft (OI/526/ )
- River Wye fact file
- River Wye fisheries survey 1990
- River Wylye low flow study : progress and further investigations
- River Wylye low flow study : progress and further investigations
- River Yealm : catchment action plan
- River Yealm catchment river water quality classification 1990
- River Yealm catchment river water quality classification 1991
- River/topographical survey at River Yarrow-Birkacre Weir, Chorley : survey report October 2001
- Riverbank Protection Using Willows - Scoping Study
- Rivers and wetlands : best practice guidelines
- Rivers Arun to Adur draft flood and erosion management strategy : draft flood and erosion management strategy : summary document
- Rivers Avon and Gara catchments river water quality classification 1991
- Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : action plan
- Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : consultation report
- Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : first annual review
- Rivers environmental database system
- Rivers Idle and Torne catchment management plan : action plan : October 1996
- Rivers Idle and Torne catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1995
- Rivers Nene and Great Ouse eutrophication studies : final report
- Rivers Nidd and Whafe : fact file
- Rivers of the Isle of Wight
- Rivers of the Isle of Wight fact file
- Rivers of the New Forest
- Rivers Par, Crinnis and St. Austell : catchment action plan
- Rivers Sid and Otter catchment management plan : 2nd annual review
- Rivers Sid and Otter catchment management plan : consultation report
- Rivers Soar and Wreake angling guide 1996
- Rivers Swale Ure and Ouse
- Rivers Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment management plan : final plan
- Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
- Riverside owners' guide : a guide for people living near rivers and streams
- RLLTM Frome Monitoring Sites
- RLLTM Piddle Monitoring Sites
- Roach and Crouch flood management strategy consultation : August 2003
- Roadford operational and environmental study : draft final report : Volume 5 : annex G monitoring, annex H reservior operating agreement
- Roadford scheme environmental monitoring 1991/92 : Roadford fisheries liaison committee, 21 April 1992
- Roch/Irk/Medlock : action plan
- Roch/Irk/Medlock : annual review May 2001
- Roch/Irk/Medlock : annual review summary May 2001
- Routine biological monitoring of river quality 1990
- Routine monitoring of river water quality : sampling and analysis schedule
- Safety guide : Anglian waterways your rivers for life
- Salmon action plan : River Yealm
- Salmon action plan consultation : River Ribble, September 1999
- Salmon and sea trout fishing in the estuary of the River Tavy : a review
- Sankey/Glaze : annual review : February 1998
- Sankey/Glaze : consultation report : May 1996
- Sankey/Glaze : second annual review : September 1999
- Sankey/Glaze annual review summary : april 2002
- Sankey/Glaze LEAP : annual review February 2002
- Schedule of main rivers (Midlands) booklet
- Sea Empress Cost-Benefit Project: Final Report
- Seaton, Looe and Fowey : consultation draft
- Seaton, Looe and Fowey : plan from May 1999 to May 2005
- Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan : consultation report
- Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan : first annual review
- Second annual review of the Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan
- Second annual review of the River Taw catchment management plan
- Second annual review of the River Torridge catchment management plan
- Second annual review of the Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan
- Second annual review of the Sid/Otter catchment management plan 1999
- Second annual review of the Taw / Torridge Estuary catchment management plan
- Second annual review of the Upper Bristol Avon catchment management plan
- Second interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire's rivers April 1995 to April 1996
- Semi-Quantitative Methods for Fisheries Classification
- Sensitive Areas (eutrophic) and "Polluted Waters" (eutrophic). Guidance note on information Gathering for Future Designation Reviews
- Severn catchment flood management plan and fluvial Severn strategy update
- Severn Corridor CAMS : update
- Severn Trent region : River Sence, Hilton Brook : Annex of R and D Note 456
- Severn Uplands LEAP : consultation report : December 1998
- Severn Uplands LEAP : report on consultation. Summary of public consultation responses
- Severn Vale : consultation draft : March 1999
- Severn Vale : environmental overview : August 1999
- Sezibwa River
- Shrewsbury flood alleviation scheme : options for the remaining areas of Shrewsbury : scoping report January 2002
- Shrewsbury flood alleviation scheme. March 2001 : your questions answered
- Shrewsbury flood defences : the next steps
- Sid and Otter : 1st annual review
- Sid and Otter : consultation draft : November 1999
- Sid and Otter action plan : plan from November 2000 to November 2005
- Sid/Otter catchment management plan : first annual review
- Simba rapids
- Soar : consultation report, April 1997
- Sources : river catchments (issue 1)
- Sources and fates of synthetic organics in rivers : interim report
- Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality : map annex to project record 001/13/W
- Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. Volume 1 (001/13/W)
- South Essex catchment management plan : action plan June 1996
- South Essex catchment management plan : consultation report
- South Essex catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- South London's urban rivers : Hogsmill, Beverley Brook, Wandle, Ravensbourne and March Dykes fact file
- South West region : River Yarty, Sir Arthur's Pill : annex of R and D Note 456
- South West regional pollution prevention and control
- Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of Project Outputs - Research and Survey Reports on Non-Mullusc Species
- Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of Project Outputs - Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines
- St Austell River and south Cornwall coastal streams catchment river water quality classification 1990
- St Austell River and south Cornwall coastal streams catchment river water quality classification 1991
- St Columb Major STW UV disinfection survey 1994 : final draft report
- Staffordshire Trent Valley : consultation report - summary
- Stanmoor Bank : feasibility study and appraisal report. Part 2: Alternative scheme options. Vol 1 : main report
- Stanmoor Bank : feasibilty study and appraisal report. Alternative scheme options. Vol 2 : appendices D-I
- Statement on public consultation for the Dove CMP : July 1995
- Staying safe on Anglian waterway : safety guide
- Stock assessment review on the River Dart
- Stock assessment review on the River Teign
- Stoke Ferry, Dec. 1990
- Study into the effect of Chertsey STW on the North Arm of the River Bourne
- Study of the behaviour and impact of two sewage treatment works of the Thames catchment
- Study of the River Stour, Kent
- Suffolk estuarine strategies : Blyth estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
- Surface water quality 1990
- Sustainable Recreation on Waterways - Assessing User Activity on Canals and Other Inland Waterways: A Comparison of Three Survey Methods
- Swords water quality study - phase 1 : water quality of the Thames
- Synoptic State of the Environment Monitoring
- Taf catchment management plan consultation report summary
- Taff catchment management plan : consultation report : April 1995
- Taff catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Tame catchment management plan : action plan : September 1996
- Tame catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1996 (NRA Severn -Trent 36)
- Targeted Monitoring Programme for Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment
- Taw/Torridge Estuary Catchment management plan : action plan
- Taw/Torridge estuary management plan : stage 1 : statement of catchment uses and problem identification
- Tawe and south Gower catchment management plan : consultation report summary: March 1994
- Technical planning : development control/environmental assessment, situation report 1991
- Teddington low flow survey 1991
- Teifi catchment management plan : consultation report : February 1996
- Testing and Further Development of RIVPACS Phase 3. Development of New RIVPACS Methodologies - Stage 1
- Testing and Further Development of RIVPACS: Stage 4
- Thames environment design handbook
- Thames Water utilities category A and B : sewage works survey 1991
- The 1990 river and estuary classification survey of England and Wales
- The Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : consultation document
- The Aire catchment (river factfiles)
- The behaviour of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the River Tay as determined by radio telemetry
- The Blackwater River catchment management plan : first annual review 95/96 : Draft Document
- The Blythe/Cole/Bourne catchment management plan : first annual review : July 1994 to July 1995 (NRA Severn-Trent 48)
- The Calder catchment (river factfiles)
- The Colne Barrier 1999
- The control of phosphorus in the catchment of the rivers Ant and Bure : 3rd annual report May 1989
- The control of phosphorus in the catchment of the rivers Ant and Bure : interim report for period January - December 1992
- The Cuckmere River
- The Cuckmere River
- The Dee regulation scheme (bilingual)
- The Derwent catchment (river factfiles)
- The development of macroinvertebrate keys using TWINSPAN classification : a manual for NRA biologists (001/10/W) : draft final report
- The Don, Rother and Dearne catchment (river factfiles)
- The Dove catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1995
- The Ecology and Conservation of the Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale - Charpentier) in Britain
- The ecology and management of riverine trees : interim report
- The Economics of No-Spray Zones - a Study of the Risks and Benefits of Pesticide No-Spray Restrictions
- The effect of the voluntary initiative on water quality
- The effects of flow reduction in the River Dee on the aquatic environment
- The effects of Guildford STW on the River Wey
- The effects of water resources management on the rivers Bure, Wensum and Nar in North Norfolk : Final project report to the National Rivers Authority. July 1994
- The Ely Ouse catchment management plan : final plan : January 1994
- The Ely Ouse Essex water transfer scheme
- The Environment Agency navigations : Thames, Anglian, Southern
- The Esk catchment (river factfiles)
- The Evaluation of FDMM
- The floods in Boscastle and North Cornwall 16 August 2004
- The Great Ouse (Bedford Ouse) fact file
- The Hartland Streams catchment management plan : action plan
- The Hull catchment (river factfiles)
- The impact of climate change on severe droughts: Major droughts in England and Wales from 1800 and evidence of impact of Impact
- The impact of climate change on severe droughts: River-flow reconstructions and implied groundwater levels
- The Impact Of Discarded Fishing Line And Tackle On Mute Swans - Phase 1
- The Impact of Grazing and Upland Management on Erosion and Runoff
- The Impact Of Grazing And Upland Management On Erosion And Runoff: Additional Information
- The Impact of Lost and Discarded Fishing Line and Tackle on Mute Swans
- The Impact Of Particulate Outputs Associated With Timber Harvesting
- The importance of sediment release of phosphorus in the restoration of the Norfolk Broads
- The Influence of Variations in Flow on General Quality Assessment of Rivers
- The Influence of Variations in Flow on General Quality Assessment of Rivers - Summary Document
- The Investigation and Specification of Flow Measurement Structure Design Features that Aid the Migration of Fish
- The investigation of the Taff litter problem : report no. PL/EAE/89/2
- The Kentish Stour
- The Loddon catchment, Thames : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
- The Loddon catchment, Thames Region : proposals for Statutory Water Quality Objectives
- The lower Wye catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1994
- The lower Wye catchment management plan: consultation report summary: June 1994
- The Lowermoor environment report
- The management of the water resources of the Lark groundwater unit
- The management of the water resources of the Little Ouse groundwater unit
- The Movements of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Smolts in the Lower River and Estuary of the River Conwy, North Wales
- The Nidd and Wharfe catchment (river factfiles)
- The Northumberland catchment (river factfiles)
- The NRA navigations
- The physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
- The quality of rivers and canals in England and Wales (1990 to 1992) : as assessed by a new general quality assessment scheme : report of the National Rivers Authority
- The quality of rivers and estuaries in Northumbria region 1990
- The quality of rivers in England and Wales (1990 to 1995)
- The quality of rivers, canals and estuaries in England and Wales : report of the 1990 survey
- The rehabilitation of the River Taff
- The release of ammonium and phosphorus from the sediments of the River Ant and Barton Broad : interim report
- The restoration of the River Pang
- The restoration of the River Ver : the success story of a collaborative project between the National Rivers Authority, Three Valleys Water and the Ver Valley Society
- The results of Tawe barrage post-impoundment salmon and sea trout telemetry study 1992
- The Ribble fisheries management plan : a consultation document produced by the National Rivers Authority
- The River Adur
- The River Alt : fact file
- The River Alt/Crossens fish stock assessment 2001
- The River Arun : fact file
- The River Arun catchment management plan : action plan
- The River Ash : enhancement project
- The River Avon and its tributaries near Malmesbury : river management studies
- The River Cam catchment management plan : annual monitoring report
- The River Darent : the way ahead
- The River Darent conservation project
- The River Dee catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1994
- The River Itchen
- The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
- The River Medway
- The River Meon
- The River Mersey : fact file
- The River Ogmore action plan support document
- The River Ogmore catchment management plan : action plan
- The River Severn (NRA Severn-Trent 65)
- The River Taf catchment management plan : action plan 1995 (bilingual) : Cynllun rheoli dalgylch Afon Taf : cynllun gweithredu 1995
- The River Thame : catchment review : first draft - 16th Februrary 1996
- The River Thame : catchment review : march 1996
- The River Thames phosphate model
- The River Tywi catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual)
- The River Weaver : fact file
- The Rivers Test and Itchen : salmon management plan : a consultation document
- The Role Of Bankside Habitat In River Ecology
- The Role of Bankside Habitat in River Ecology: The importance of riparian and marginal vegetation on the distribution and abundance of aquatice invertebrates
- The Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan : action plan
- The Soar Valley improvement scheme
- The story of a river : Ripples 1
- The Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment (river factfiles)
- The Tame catchment (NRA Severn-Trent 67)
- The Tame catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1996
- The Tawe and South Gower catchment management plan : action plan 1995 (bilingual)
- The Tees catchment (river factfiles)
- The Teme catchment
- The Test catchment southern : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
- The Tyne catchment (river factfiles)
- The Upper Nene catchment management plan : final plan : August 1994
- The Use of a Hydroacoustic Counter for Assessing Salmon Stocks
- The use of herbicides in or near water
- The utilisation of stick-pile otter holts in south east Wales
- The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan : July 1995
- The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan Draft
- The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
- The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report summary : November 1994
- The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1994
- The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : final plan : October 1994
- The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : first annual review : October 1994 - October 1995 (NRA Severn -Trent 45)
- The water protection zone (River Dee catchment) designation order : supplementary paper in support of the application
- The Wear catchment (river factfiles)
- The Worcestershire Stour catchment : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
- The Yarrow catchment : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
- Tidal defences for Clevedon, North Somerset
- Time of travel for the Greadon Farm pollution incident on the Upper Torridge of 19th August 1997 (1997)
- Time of travel of pollutants study : River Taw : Q22/Q25
- Time of travel of pollutants study : River Torridge : Q28/Q32
- Time of travel on the [River] Chertsey Bourne under low flow conditions
- Time of travel on the River Lee under high and medium flow : appendix b : time of travel on the small River Lee
- Time of travel studies : average and high flows River Ock
- Time of travel study on the River Wandle under two different flow conditions
- Torridge data report : biological monitoring of organic inputs to the study catchments using rapid biological assessment keys
- Torridge river quality and fishery status : Interim report (152/2/SW)
- Trent licensing policy review : draft final report
- Trent licensing policy review : executive summary report
- Trevone Bay beach EC bathing water guideline non-compliance : investigation into the Trevone Stream : final report
- Trewinnard Manor Pond pollution incident November 1990 : draft internal report
- Triploid Trout in Native Trout Waters: Phase 1 - Literature Review and Recommendations for Phase 2
- Tywi catchment management plan : consultation report June 1994
- Tywi catchment management plan consultation report summary : June 1994
- Uckfield flooding fact sheet
- Understanding riverbank erosion from a conservation perspective
- Upper Bristol Avon catchment management : consultation report
- Upper Bristol Avon catchment management plan : second annual review
- Upper Kennet : weed growth investigation
- Upper Kennet river levels study
- Upper Mersey catchment management plan : consultation report
- Upper Nene catchment management plan : consultation report 1994
- Upper Nene catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Upper Nene structures : Elton : detailed appraisal report
- Upper Nene structures : Stanwick : detailed appraisal report
- Upper Ouse catchment management plan : consultation report : March 1996
- Upper Ouse catchment management plan : consultation report summary : March 1996
- Upper Thames catchment management plan : action plan : August 1995
- Upper Thames catchment management plan : consultation report summary leaflet : January 1995
- Upper Thames catchment management plan consultation report (draft) November 1994
- Upper Wye catchment management : consultation report summary : June 1993
- Upper Wye catchment management plan : consultation report
- Use of diatoms for evaluating ecological status in UK freshwaters
- Use Of Pattern Recognition To Identify The Source Of An Oil Spill On An Inland Water
- Using Macrophytes for the Environmental Assessment of Rivers: The Role of Sediment Nutrients
- Usk catchment management plan : action plan 1996
- Usk catchment management plan : consultation report
- Usk catchment management plan : consultation report summary : April 1995
- Valuing Water Use in Scotland and Northern Ireland for WFD Implementation Purposes
- Variability in Mobile Acoustic Fish Community Assessment
- Variability of Pesticides in river water
- Warwickshire Avon : consultation report : summary
- Water - nature's precious resource : comparative environmental appraisal of strategic options. vol. 2 appendices : supplementary report no. 8
- Water from the River Dee : a working partnership
- Water in the Thetford area
- Water quality in Anglian Region : the first five years
- Water quality investigations in the Newlyn river catchment
- Water quality objectives: procedures used by the NRA for the purpose of surface waters river ecosystem) (classification) regulations 1994
- Water quality report 1990
- Water quality report 1991
- Water quality report 1992
- Water quality report 1993
- Water quality report 1994
- Water quality strategy : draft for consultation
- Water resources planning : Deben groundwater unit water resources management plan
- Water resources planning : Nar groundwater unit water resources management plan
- Water resources strategy : update for SCEALA
- Waterways Breeding Bird Survey Pilot Study 1998: Adaptation of BBS Census Methods to Rivers and Canals
- Waterways Breeding Bird Survey: progress and population trends: 1998
- Weaver/Dane : action plan : May 1998
- Weaver/Dane : consultation report : October 1997
- Weaver/Dane Local Environment Agency Plan : annual review : March 2001
- Weaver/Dane local environment agency plan : consulation report summary : October 1997
- Weir on River Rhone
- Welcome to the Essex catchment
- Welland and Glen river system : flood defences along the Welland and Glen
- Welland and Nene Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1997/98
- Welsh region : River Arrow, Dreneuydd/Broadway Reen, Dysynni Low Level Drain : annex of R and D Note 456
- Welsh Regional plan summary 1990/91 (Bilingual): Rhanbarth Cymru crynodob cynllun
- West and East Lyn Rivers : catchment action plan
- West Area : main river atlas
- West Area's millennium festival celebration : wildlife encounter 2000 at View Island, Reading
- West Midlands Stour : action plan : October 1998
- West Midlands Tame : action plan : March 1999
- West Somerset rivers : action plan : February 1999
- West Somerset rivers : consultation report
- West Somerset rivers : first annual review : June 2000
- When nature reigns : the Environment Agency's story of the floods 2000/2001
- Wildlife along rivers
- Wimbleball pumped storage scheme : review of environmental statement (appendix B3) : implications for water quality in Wimbleball Reservoir, the River Exe (non QUASAR) parameters) and the Exe estuary
- Witham draft LEAP September 1999
- Witham LEAP : July 2000
- Yare catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1994
- Yare catchment management plan : consultation report summary
- Your complete guide to fishing in Anglian region : rivers and stillwaters
- Zambezi River
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