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Title: Micro low flows average and low flows estimation in the SW region : validation of regional version 1.3 software
Author: National Rivers Authority South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
Micro Low Flows is a computer based software system developed by the Institute of Hydrology for estimating theoretical flow statistics for individual river reaches. Both nationally and regionally calibrated copies of Version 1.3 of the software were installed at NRA SW on 14 February 1992. The Regional version has been subjected to a series of tests designed to identify errors, limitations and recommendations for future improvements. A few, relatively minor errors with the Regional version have been reported to the Institute of Hydrology. Overall, the Regional version is relatively easy to use and will help improve the hydrological service provided by Water Resources Planning. Testing of the National version will be undertaken in more detail after the publication by the Institute of Hydrology of the 1992 Low Flows Study Report due in August.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: RiversData processingDatabasesTestingFlow rate
Extent: 16
Total file downloads: 287

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