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Title: The development of macroinvertebrate keys using TWINSPAN classification : a manual for NRA biologists (001/10/W) : draft final report
Author: G.P. Rutt
Author: C.P. Maidstone
Document Type: Monograph
Reductions in river quality due to organic pollution from livestock farming are a concern in the UK and elsewhere. Effective control is hampered by the sheer number and widespread nature of potential polluting sources. Biological indicator keys offer a simple and rapid means of identifying pollution problems, whereupon remedial action can be instigated. A rapid appraisal technique has been developed, using indicator species within the macroinvertebrate community and the occurrence of sewage fungus. Indicator keys have been developed in west Wales for use throughout most of the year, but since species composition varies with the physico chemical environment, it will be necessary to develop keys using other indicator species in significantly different habitats and or geographical areas. This Manual describes the steps necessary for the development of a macroinvertebrate indicator key, using the TWINSPAN computer programme.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: MacroinvertebratesIndicator speciesWater qualityPollutionBiological indicatorsRivers
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Extent: 42; + appendices
Total file downloads: 300

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