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Title: Objectives for rivers and canals and river water quality 1992
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes the quality status of rivers and of canals in the Severn Trent Region; lists the waters designated as Salmonid or Cyprinid fisheries in the EC Freshwater Fisheries Directive Tor the Severn-Trent Region of the National Rivers Authority and also indicates stretches used for potable supply. This booklet is organised as follows: summarised data (Severn-Trent Region Statistics- total lengths; Compliance Statistics; Summary of River and Canal Classification; Summary of Tidal Waters Classification; Changes in Quality Status detected during 1992); rivers and canals (Detailed description of Rivers and Canals and their current quality and quality objective classification in the Severn-Trent Region; Main river currently not chemically classified); water quality criteria (Chemical Classification of River Water Quality; Classification of Estuaries and Tidal Waters); and relevant EC Directives (Standards Required by the Surface Water Abstraction Directive Statutory Instrument 1989 No. 1148.; Dangerous Substances Directive List 1 and II Substances; Statutory Environmental Quality Standards for List I Substances Statutory Instrument 1989 No. 2286.; Environmental Quality Standards for List II Substances DOE Circular 7/89; Standards required by the EC Fisheries Directive No. 78/659/EEC; and Quality Standards for EIFAC).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: RiversWater qualityRiver fisheriesSalmon fisheriesRiver Quality ObjectivesCanalsDirectives (European Union)Classification systems
Geographic Keywords: SevernTame (West Midlands)Trent (England)
Extent: 101
Total file downloads: 336

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