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Title: Economic appraisal of low flow alleviation : guidelines on desk top analysis : draft
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
These guidelines have been drafted at the request of regional Water Resource Managers to assist in preparation of cost-benefit analyses of proposed low flow alleviation schemes. The aim of these guidelines is to assist in the preparation of desk-top studies, which may then provide the basis of formal project submissions or for commissioning field studies (e.g. a contingent valuation survey) should the desk study indicate the results of further studies are critical to decision making. The guidelines draw upon a range of documents which should be available to NRA staff. These include: the Economic Appraisal Manual released in May 1993; the cost-benefit analysis prepared for the River Darent; and the study carried out for Head Office on Evaluation of Use Values from Alleviation of Low Flows. In addition, throughout these guidelines recommendations are given, where appropriate, on other references which may be of use (if staff experience difficulties in obtaining these references please contact Meg Postle). It is also recommended that those unfamiliar with the preparation of economic appraisals for formal submission to the Department of Environment should refer to. the Treasury Guidelines on Economic Appraisal in Central Government (HM Treasury, 1991).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: RiversWater levelsFlow rateImprovementEconomic analysis
Extent: 20
Total file downloads: 309

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