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Title: North West Norfolk catchment management plan : action plan : November 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Action Plan outlines how the NRA and other organisations plan to tackle issues which affect the water environment in this catchment. There are 23 issues which are grouped and summarised in the following Activity Plans. It is hoped that CMPs will interface with and influence the plans of other organisations such as water company asset management plans, local and county statutory plans, etc. The catchment is situated within the administrative boundaries of mainly Norfolk County Council (with a small area of Cambridgeshire) and the District/Borough Councils of Fenland, Breckland and Kings Lynn an West Norfolk. Change in land use will have a significant impact on the water environment. Although the NRA can control some of the things which influence the quality of the water environment (particularly the river corridor or concerning flood risk), the NRA has very little direct control over where and how land is developed. This is the responsibility of Local Planning Authorities through the implementation of the Town an Country Planning Acts.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: RiversCatchment managementCatchment Flood Management PlansRiver fisheriesWater qualityNature conservationFlood risk managementLand useFlood defence structuresPollution control
Geographic Keywords: NorfolkNorth West Norfolk catchmentNar
Extent: 41
Total file downloads: 72

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