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Title: Low flow augmentation study, River Wensum : Phase 1 Stage 1 draft planning report
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The National Rivers Authority (Anglian Region) will undertake a study of the Rivers Nar and Wensum. Both river catchments are located in north Norfolk. The rivers are fed by groundwater from the Chalk aquifer and are important sources of abstraction for public water supplies. The catchments are also attractive natural habitats with considerable recreation value. River flow augmentation from groundwater may therefore be necessary to maintain both water supplies and river levels.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: RiversRiver levelFlow rateWater supplyGroundwater
Geographic Keywords: WensumNarNorth West Norfolk catchmentNorfolkBroadland Rivers catchment
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