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Title: Harbour of Rye management plan
Document Type: Monograph
The Harbour of Rye Management Plan sets out the NRA's future plans for the management of the Harbour, pursuing a policy of integrated management through balancing the needs of all the Harbour users. The Plan covers the period 1994 to 95 to 1997 to 98 and the area it covers is shown on the map. The Harbour of Rye comprises all the channels seaward of the four tidal sluices on the River Rother and its tributaries. The limits of the Harbour of Rye itself are described in Article 4 of the Harbour of Rye Revision Order 1976 and are shown on the map.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: HarboursEnvironmental managementRivers
Geographic Keywords: Rye (East Sussex)East SussexRother (East Sussex)
Extent: 12
Total file downloads: 76

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