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Title: Salmon and sea trout fishing in the estuary of the River Tavy : a review
Author: J. Solomon
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: November 1999
This document is a review of Salmon and Sea trout fishing in the estuary of the River Tavy. The level of exploitation by the Tavy estuary nets has increased since the late 1950s due to the construction and operation of the Lopwell Dam water resource scheme, due to the loss of the former sanctuary area, reduction in the tidal flow in the netting zone, and the reduced residual freshwater flow. Improvements in netting materials and boat construction have also contributed. Although there is no evidence that the overall level of fishing is having an adverse effect upon stock recruitment, the high net catches of salmon in July and August appear to depress rod catches at that time and are likely to be affecting the genetic balance of the population.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Salisbury
Subject Keywords: RiversEstuarine fisheriesRiver fisheriesSalmonSalmon fisheriesTrout
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestTamar catchment
Extent: 17
Total file downloads: 334

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