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Title: Darent action plan : restoration of low flows to the river Darent : public statement to accompany application to vary groundwater abstraction licences at Sundridge, Lullingstone, Eynsford, Horton Kirby, Darenth and Bexley
Document Type: Monograph
The implementation of a joint National Rivers Authority (NRA) and Thames Water Utilities Ltd (TWUL) Action Plan to restore low flows to the River Darent is under way. One of the most important aspects of the Plan is the reduction of existing licences to abstract groundwater at various pumping stations operated by TWUL. This statement has been prepared to support NRA’s application to vary the licences listed. A copy of the formal notification is attached in Appendix A and copies of the licences are attached in Appendix B. In fulfilment of another important aspect of the joint Action Plan, the NRA will soon drill and pump test a number of boreholes close to the River Darent. It is intended that some of these will become artificial springs to be used to augment very low flows. NRA’s application to abstract water for this purpose will be the subject of a separate application to follow in due course.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Water abstraction licensesDroughtRiversFlow rateWater resourcesWater conservation
Geographic Keywords: DarentKent (county)
Extent: 6; + appendices
Total file downloads: 264

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