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Title: The Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : consultation document
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
The Environment Agency is committed to ensuring that water is managed in a sustainable way that benefits users and the environment both now and in the future. Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies (CAMS) set out how water resources are managed at a local level. They will make more information on water allocation and abstraction licensing practice publicly available and allow the balance between the needs of abstractors, other water users and the aquatic environment to be considered in consultation with the local community and interested parties. The Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy Process is the national document that supports the development of CAMS at a local level. It sets out the national policy and the regulatory framework within which CAMS operate, describes the process of developing CAMS and provides information on the structure and content of CAMS documents. This consultation document should be read in conjunction with Managing Water Abstraction. The Adur and Ouse (A&O) CAMS consultation document summarises the availability of water resources and the sustainability of the current abstraction regime. It also sets out the Environment Agency's proposed policy for managing surface and groundwater abstraction in order to maintain and, where necessary, restore sustainable abstraction. The A&O CAMS is the second of three CAMS to be produced in the Sussex Area of Southern Region of the Environment Agency. CAMS operate on a six-year cycle and the document will be reviewed in 2009 and the updated strategy will be published in 2011.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2004
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Catchment Abstraction Management StrategiesCatchment managementWater abstractionRiversHydrogeologyWater managementEnvironmental legislationConsultation
Geographic Keywords: Adur and Ouse catchmentAdurOuse (Sussex)East SussexWest Sussex
Extent: 50
Total file downloads: 310

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