Title: Rivers and wetlands : best practice guidelines
Author: Environment Agency South Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
This booklet is a guide for rivers and wetlands management. Works on main rivers require the Environment Agencys consent and the Agency needs to approve certain works on ordinary water courses. In considering an application for Land Drainage Consent the following will be taken into account: Environmental impact and appearance; Natural river processes, including flood risk implications; Suitability for location; and durability and flexibility. The Environment Agency regulatory functions relating to Abstraction and Discharge Licences and Fish Movement Licences also take account of conservation interests. This series of guidelines has been compiled to raise awareness of some of the issues involved in river management. There are environmentally positive ways of carrying out most projects. This revised edition of the Guidelines was compiled by staff in the Midlands Region in conjunction with Mark Ross Landscape Architects, Pershore, Worcs. It contains sections on: river management; management; river rehabilitation; vegetation; bank protection; outfalls; banside structures; in channel structures; ponds; nest and roosting sites on river bridges; archaeology; and protected species.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Wetlands; Ponds; Banks
Geographic Keywords: EA Midlands
Extent: n.p. [95]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1377
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