Title: River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
This is the first Annual Review to be produced for the River Erewash Catchment Management Plan. It follows on from the Action Plan produced in August 1995 by the NRA. This review deals with the water environment only and covers the period September 1995 - September 1996. Catchment Management Planning has been the means by which the former National Rivers Authority has undertaken integrated planning for the water environment. The Environment Agency’s overall aim to protect and enhance the whole environment contributes to the world wide environmental goal of sustainable development. Holistic planning will be a principal tool in delivering this objective. Forward planning in the Agency will be undertaken for the full spectrum of Agency responsibilities and it will build on the Catchment Management Planning process. The plans will be known as Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs) and will include the new functions of Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Waste Regulation. In this the first year since the publication of the Catchment Management Plan Action Plan (CMP), progress has been made on 31 of the 82 actions planned. A number of very notable achievements have been made by the Agency and in partnership with other organisations.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management Plans; Catchment management; Environmental planning; Rivers; Sewage treatment; Water quality; Pollution control; Drought; Mining; Effluents; Runoff
Geographic Keywords: Erewash (river); Lower Trent and Erewash catchment; Derbyshire; Nottinghamshire
Extent: 30
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:418
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