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Title: Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. Volume 1 (001/13/W)
Author: G.P. Rutt
Author: T. Pickering
Author: D. Woodrow
Author: C. Turner
Author: C.P. Mainstone
Document Type: Monograph
Reductions in river quality due to organic pollution from livestock farming are a concern in the UK and elsewhere. Effective control is hampered by the sheer number and widespread nature of potential polluting sources. There is a need for practical tools that will allow pollution control resources to be targeted at the worst affected areas and, within these, the problem farms. This project commenced in September 1989, with the main objective of using biological techniques to rapidly detect and pin point farm pollution problems and to assess the benefits of farm visits. Extensive fieldwork in West Wales has led to the production of simple biological indicator keys that allow the rapid screening of large areas for polluting farms. These keys rely on a few readily identifiable macroinvertebrate groups and sewage fungus, and can therefore be used by biologists and non biologists alike. A national database of farm pollution risk has been developed using Geographical Information System software, based upon datasets of livestock numbers and physical factors contributing to farm pollution risk. This allows the targeting of pollution control effort at those area at highest risk. Intensive integrated monitoring of study catchments has identified links between specific farming practices and impacts upon river quality. Studies into the recovery of fish and macroinvertebrate populations following real and simulated farm pollution episodes have also been undertaken. These indicate that recovery of macroinvertebrate populations can be rapid, but salmonid populations may take considerably longer depending upon local circumstance. This Project Record and associated Map Annex is a comprehensive account of the work undertaken during this study, incorporating all information previously reported in interim reports.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: MacroinvertebratesPollution controlFarmsLivestockRiversEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Extent: 382
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