Title: Lower Mersey LEAP first annual review 1999
Author: Environment Agency NorthWest Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document is the first annual review of Lower Mersey LEAP. A 'LEAP' is the Environment Agency's integrated local management plan, for identifying and assessing, prioritising and solving local environmental issues related to the Agency's functions, taking into account the views of the Agency's local customers. The outcome of the process is a local agenda of integrated action for environmental improvement in order to optimise benefit for the local environment. The Agency is the competent authority for managing and regulating the water environment, for regulating waste, major industrial processes, and contaminated land. We have duties to protect and enhance biodiversity in everything we do, to protect landscape and heritage, and to promote inland navigation and recreation. It is these areas that relate to our functions and dictate the fields in which we can raise specific issues.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Rivers; Water quality; Estuaries; Pollution control; Recreation; Nature conservation
Geographic Keywords: Mersey; Merseyside; Mersey Estuary catchment
Extent: 44
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1056
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