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Title: Phosphorus in the Thames catchment
Author: Mark Tinsley
Author: Jim Bennett
Document Type: Monograph
In 1994 the River Thames between Days Lock and Teddington Lock was designated a Sensitive Area under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC (UWWTD). Article 5 of the Directive requires phosphorus limits to be set on qualifying discharges (sewage treatment works with a population equivalent (PE) exceeding 10,000) unless it can be shown that phosphorus removal will have no effect on eutrophication. In May 1994 the DoE requested the NRA to carry out a catchment study of the Thames to determine whether phosphorus removal would have an effect on eutrophication, and to identify works where it would have the most impact. This report summarizes a study of the various sources of phosphate in the Thames catchment, and includes predictions of phosphate concentrations that would arise if phosphate stripping was introduced, at sewage treatment works (STWs) exceeding 10,000PE.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: RiversUrban Waste Water Treatment DirectivePhosphorusSewage treatmentEutrophication
Geographic Keywords: EA South EastThames
Extent: n.p. [64]
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