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Title: Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of Project Outputs - Research and Survey Reports on Non-Mullusc Species
Author: P Mainstone C
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_616, Representation ID: 200, Object ID: 1950
R and D Project i640 was initiated three years ago to provide information on species of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency (then the National Rivers Authority), in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. A total of 52 stand-alone outputs has been produced by 22 different contributing organisations or experts,many funded in collaboration with English Nature and/or the Countryside Council for Wales. Outputs comprise Species Action Plans (SAPS), practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research and survey outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and ecological requirementsof priority species. An overview of the work undertaken is provided in R and D Technical Report W161, whilst three Project Records contain all outputs produced during the course of the project (except for two special cases). Project a. Records Wl/i64O/l/M and Wl/i640/2/M group together all research and survey reports produced with Project i640 involvement: Wl/i64O/l/M contains reports on priority mollusc species, whilst Wl/i640/2/M (this document) contains reports on all other species addressed by Project i640. Project Record Wl/i640/3/M contains all SAPS and management guidelines, which are temporary documents and will be updated by the Agency and other relevant bodies as new information comes to light.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RiversLakesCrayfishEstuariesCoastal watersNature conservationAquatic animalsFreshwater ecologyPlants
Extent: 326
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