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Title: River Tyne index report : report two, 2005
Author: Environment Agency North East Region
Document Type: Monograph
In October 2003, the Environment Agency initiated an intensive programme of fisheries monitoring on the River Tyne. Its primary objective is to identify any effects of the construction of a second Tyne Tunnel on salmon and sea trout stocks. This report details the findings from monitoring work carried out during 2005, the second year of the study, results which also feed into our national programme of index river monitoring. We also describe other related developments in the Tyne catchment. Anglers declared catches of 3,591 salmon and 1,724 sea trout in 2005. The catch of salmon was the second highest on record while that for sea trout ranked the sixth best. Catch and release figures were slightly up on the previous year. The commercial net fishery of the north east coast declared catches of 8,987 salmon and 18,733 sea trout in 2005, continuing the trend of lower catches of both species evident since the 2003 drift net fishery buyout. Returning adult salmon deposited an estimated 66 million eggs in the Tyne catchment in 2005. Far exceeding the conservation limit' for the river, this maintained the upward trend in target compliance evident since 1994.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2005
Publication Place: Newcastle
Subject Keywords: RiversSalmonidaeSalmon fisheriesStock assessmentFishery surveysAnglingStocking densityFish passesMortalityFishery statistics
Geographic Keywords: Tyne (North East England)Tyne catchmentDerwent (Yorkshire)
Extent: 49
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