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Title: Lincolnshire Local Flood Defence Committee : annual report 1996/97
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Report which follows summarises the flood defence works undertaken during 1996/97 within the Lincolnshire Catchment and outlines the associated financial position. A number of key points are highlighted below. The Capital works Programme completed totalled 15.2 million, a reduction in expenditure compared to 1995/96 (20.69 million) when exceptional progress on the beach nourishment scheme was achieved, a reduction also compared to the original approved budget in order to restore the Committees balances. As a consequence of this, the Committee relinquished 1.2 million of its Grant Earning Ceiling. HAM Dredging continued nourishment works on Phase II of Lincshore 97 from the beginning of the financial year through until 9 November, apart from a short break at the end of June and other weather related interruptions. During this period almost 1,500,000m3 of sand was placed on the frontage between just south of Chapel Outfall to just south of Huttoft Car Terrace and also short lengths to the north and south of Boy grift Outfall protecting a particularly vulnerable section of the defence. The tidal defences of the Estuary, vital to the continuation of much of the human activity present in the lowland areas surrounding the Estuary, also have impacts on most other elements of the environment, some of which are potentially vulnerable to unsympathetic improvement works.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: CoastsAnnual reportsFlood defence committeesRainfallFlood controlFlood defence structuresBeachesCoastal managementRiversFlow rate
Geographic Keywords: Lincolnshire
Extent: 32
Total file downloads: 332

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