Title: Sensitive Areas (eutrophic) and "Polluted Waters" (eutrophic). Guidance note on information Gathering for Future Designation Reviews
Author: S. Leaf
Author: S. Gardner
Document Type: Monograph
The intention of this document is to provide guidance for Regions on data/information gathering requirements for the periodic review of waters identified (ie. proposed to be designated) under those provisions of the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) and Nitrate Directives concerning eutrophication. The document outlines the recommendations of a national working group, convened to consider this matter, and addresses three issues: (i) The gathering of evidence to support the identification of a water as being, or at risk of shortly becoming, eutrophic; (ii) The identification of categories of waters to which the monitoring strategy should be applied; (iii) The question of monitoring to assist in deciding whether nutrient removal at individual qualifying STWs will have an effect upon the level of eutrophication. The identification, under the two Directives, of waters for reasons other than
eutrophication (e.g. elevated nitrates in ground and surface waters used for drinking water abstraction) is an issue which lies outside the scope of this document.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Wastewater treatment; Eutrophication; Nitrate Directives; Discharge (hydrology); Nutrients; Pollution; Water authorities; Water conservation; Protected areas; Rivers; Estuaries; Coastal waters; Water quality
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Extent: 17; + 9 appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:4277
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