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Title: Technical planning : development control/environmental assessment, situation report 1991
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report documents activities in development control, quantifying mitigation and enhancement measures obtained by the NRA as a result of negotiations with developers following preplanning enquiries and planning or land drainage consent applications. These discussions have usually taken place with the agreement and support of the relevant local authorities. Negotiations have resulted in increasing numbers of baseline surveys, both hydraulic and environmental, being carried out by the developer, in accordance with NRA statutory duties including those identified under section 8 of the 1989 Water Act, to assess the likely impacts of projects. NRA Thames Region has a presumption against the culverting of watercourses unless absolutely necessary. In addition the Authority generally objects to river realignment and straightening which can have geomorphological impacts, inducing instability and also destroying the natural channel with associated implications for flora and fauna. More recently NRA Thames Region has succeeded in negotiating wider river corridors, initially for access, and increasingly wider corridor are being requested from the wildlife and conservation point of view. NRA Thames Region is keen to encourage developers to view rivers as key features of a development rather than engineering problems to be overcome.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: RiversPlanningEngineeringEnvironmental managementConservation policy
Geographic Keywords: HampshireEnglandThamesSurreyAylesburyOxfordshireLondon
Extent: 34
Total file downloads: 342

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