Title: Kennet Valley LEAP November 2000
Author: Environment Agency Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Agency has eight Regions. The Thames Region is made up of three Areas, and the Kennet Valley is within the West Area. This document aims to describe the Kennet Valley LEAP. Kennet Valley LEAP covers an area of 1,164 km2 and is dominated by the River Kennet, the largest tributary of the River Thames which it joins at Reading, some 70 km east of its source in the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire. The Kennet and Avon Canal runs parallel with the River Kennet downstream of Hungerford, at times sharing the same channel. Defined by the Berkshire and Marlborough Downs to the north and the Hampshire Downs to the south the LEAP area is predominantly rural in character. However 211,000 people live in the area, mostly in the principal towns of Reading, Marlborough, Newbury and Hungerford and their lifestyles put considerable pressure on the environmental resources available. Much of the Kennet Valley falls within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) a national designation by the Countryside Commission. The high quality of the rural landscape and the archaeological importance of sites such as Avebury (a designated World Heritage Site) ensure that the western part of the valley is strongly protected from large scale development.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Wallingford
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Rivers; Catchment management; Catchment management; Catchment management; Water quality; Canals; Nature conservation; Nature conservation; Biodiversity; Waste management
Geographic Keywords: Kennet; Kennet and Pang catchment; Kennet and Avon Canal; Berkshire
Extent: 64
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:915
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