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Title: North Wessex area routine fishery survey By Brook March - August 1999
Author: Catherine Prideaux
Document Type: Monograph
This electro fishing survey has been carried out as part of the Environment Agencys rolling programme of strategic fish population surveys. The By Brook is an important catchment within the Bristol Avon, well known for its excellent fly-fishing. The By Brook is deemed to be so well populated with brown trout that North Wessex Byelaw 14 allows anglers to take individuals of 20cm and over from the By Brook and its tributaries, the size limit for the rest of North Wessex area is 25cm. This is subject to a daily limit of two fish (North Wessex Byelaw 17B). The By Brook flows for approximately 23 kilometres in a southerly direction from the confluence of two of its main tributaries upstream of Castle Combe, and half way through its course it flows in a more south-westerly direction to join the River Avon at Bathford. The By Brook catchment is of high scenic value. Land use is predominantly rural and agricultural, there are many small villages in the area and the largest town is Box. The By Brook and Doncombe Brook meander through fairly steep sided valleys much of which remain thickly wooded. Historically the waters of the By Brook were used to power mills for grinding com, paper making and for other uses in the wool trade. Unfortunately the mills had to close down because o f the variable and unreliable flow of the By Brook but most of the buildings remain intact and many have been carefully renovated.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: ElectrofishingSurveysPopulation dynamicsFishesBrooksRiversCatchment management
Geographic Keywords: By BrookBristol AvonBristol Avon and North Somerset Streams catchment
Extent: 33
Total file downloads: 338

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