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Title: Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
Author: Steve Barnard
Author: Kevin Andrews
Author: Julian Ellis
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_999, Representation ID: 295, Object ID: 2283
The findings of this project indicate that the optimum combination of age and season of introduction for hatchery-reared roach, chub and dace to small rivers was to stock 1+ (F2) fish in autumn. Therefore rearing of coarse fish on Agency fish farms for the purpose of fishery rehabilitation should continue to focus on production of 1+ fish for autumn release. Persistence rates of stocked fish in the target reaches were in any case very low and it is recommended that where the length of river in which a fishery is to be restored is 5km or less, methods other than restocking are employed.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: RiversMonitoringRiver fisheriesCoarse fishesFreshwater ecology
Taxonomic Keywords: Rutilus rutilusLeuciscus leuciscusLeuciscus cephalus
Extent: 132
Total file downloads: 303

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