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Title: River water quality in the Midlands 1994/95 : water quality summary data
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
In its role as "Guardian of the Water Environment", the NRA produces and uses large amounts of information on water quality, fisheries and water resources. We enforce European and UK legislation, which have schemes of environmental quality standards, consents to discharge with conditions and river quality grading. As a matter of law and policy the NRA makes a wide range of information on its activities available to the public on request. This data report includes summaries of data associated with some of our major activities. Details of the relevant EC and UK quality standards protocols are also included. Practical questions of space, limit the amount of information that has been provided but we would welcome suggestions as to other information that should be considered for inclusion in future data reports.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Water qualityRiversDirectives (European Union)Classification systemsRiver fisheriesMortalityBMWP
Geographic Keywords: SevernMidlands (England)
Extent: 105; + appendices
Total file downloads: 362

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