Title: The River Taf catchment management plan : action plan 1995 (bilingual) : Cynllun rheoli dalgylch Afon Taf : cynllun gweithredu 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
As guidance for local authorities, the NRA has prepared a set of statements relating to the broad headings of water qu ality and water resources, flood defence, fisheries, conservation, recreation and mineral workings and waste disposal. These statements are
summarised in the NRA's "Guidance Notes for Local Planning Authorities on the Methods of Protecting the Water Environment through Development Plans". This CMP Action Plan sets out Issues and Actions specific to the Taf catchment which have been agreed within the framework of these Guidance Notes. This plan also outlines how the concerns of the water environment should influence the location and nature of development and land use change within the catchment. The first phase of the second Asset Management Plan (AMP2) of Dwr Cymru for the period 1995 to 2000 is currently being finalised following approval by the Director General of OFWAT. The phased programme of improvements to sewerage infrastructure and sewage treatment works identified within AMP2 will determine the pace of future remedial measures. This w ill have an important effect on both improvements in water quality and development/planning control as indicated within the Actions identified within this plan.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Catchment Management Plans; Action plans
Geographic Keywords: Wales; North West Wales catchment
Extent: 42
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3053
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