Title: River quality : July 1991 - June 1992
Author: A.H. Place
Document Type: Monograph
During the year to the end of June 1992, 568 sites were routinely monitored to assess the quality of 3820 km of river. Table 1 gives details of 87 sites which failed their RQOs representing 493 km of river (12.9% of the total). However, 287 sites, representing 1807 km (47%), achieved water quality better than their objectives. This represents a slight improvement in overall quality since the last report. Table 2 gives details of the class achieved by all reaches. Table 2(a) is a matrix showing the total lengths of river in each class against objectives, while Table 2(b) shows this graphically.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Water quality surveys
Geographic Keywords: EA South East; Thames
Extent: n.p. [71]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3244
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