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Title: Evaluating The Benefits Of Hydrometric Networks
Author: AR Black
Author: AM Bennett ND Hanley
Author: CL Nevin
Author: ME Steel
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1259, Representation ID: 419, Object ID: 2469
This Project Record presents raw data and background information gathered during the work of Environment Agency National R&D Project Wf3005 - Evaluating the Benefits of Hydrometric Networks. It complements the Technical Report of the same title issued in 1999. In addition, it has been intended from the inception of the project that a user manual will be produced in due course, to aid implementation of the methods presented in the Technical Report. The purpose of this project record is to collate raw data generated by the project and make it available to benefit any user for whom the details of the Technical Report prove insufficient. It includes copies of all the progress reports; the Questionnaire responses; Correspondence; Personnel involved; and a published paper from the British Hydrological Society 1977 National Symposium.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Cost benefit analysisGauging stationsHydrometryRiversEstuariesHydrologyData processingCost analysis
Extent: 506
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