Title: Freshwater Tamar and tributaries catchment management plan : consultation report
Author: National Rivers Authority South Western Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Freshwater Tamar and Tributaries is the second Catchment Management Plan (CMP) produced by the Cornwall Area of the National Rivers Authority (NRA). CMPs will be produced for all catchments in England and Wales by the end of 1998. An important stage in the production of the plans is a period of public consultation. The NRA is keen to draw on the expertise and interest of the local communities and for them to have a say in the development of NRA plans and work programmes. This document includes relevant information about the catchment and lists the issues the NRA had identified and which need to be addressed. The Freshwater Tamar and Tributaries Catchment is largely rural in character and sparsely populated outside of the main centres of Launceston and Holsworthy. The landscape is dominated by traditional rural industries, principally agriculture, but also forestry, quarrying and mining, and more recently tourism. In the last six years through efforts by the NRA, the farming community and the Water Company, water quality has significantly improved. However, further localized improvements are possible together with a further reduction in pollution incidents through minimizing risk.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bodmin
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management Plans; Lakes; Environmental management; Consultation; Rivers; Water quality
Geographic Keywords: Tamar; Tamar catchment
Extent: 126; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2678
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