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Title: North Norfolk : consultation report : June 1996
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Local Environment Agency Planning aims to create a consistent framework within which all the Agency's functions and responsibilities can be applied in a co-ordinated and sustainable manner within a particular catchment area. The current state of the environment is systematically analysed and compared with appropriate standards. Where these standards are not being met or are likely to be affected in the future, the shortfalls, together with options for actions to resolve them, are presented as issues in a table at the end of this brochure. River catchments are subject to increasing use by a wide variety of activities, many of which interact giving rise to some conflicts. The many competing demands on the water, land, and air environments and the interests of users and beneficiaries must be balanced. The North Norfolk Local Environment Agency Plan area comprises a relatively narrow strip along the North Norfolk coast, together with its adjacent waters in the Wash and the North Sea. The freshwater rivers are the Hun, Burn, Stiffkey, Glaven and Mun, together with their tributaries. The Plan lies wholly with the County of Norfolk, and embraces parts of the Local Authority areas of North Norfolk District Council and the Borough of King's Lynn and West Norfolk.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Ipswich
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)ConsultationWater qualityRiversFlood controlEnvironmental managementEnvironmental planningRiver fisheriesPollution control
Geographic Keywords: North Norfolk catchmentNorfolkGlaven (Norfolk)Burn (Norfolk)Stiffkey (Norfolk)
Extent: 37
Total file downloads: 308

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