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Title: River Otter low flow study : phase three report
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report completes the Environment Agencys River Otter Low Flow Study. It is a im ed at the Rivers Sid/Otter Local Environment Action Plan Steering Group, South West Water a n d We ssex Water, and Environment Agency staff with a working interest in the River Otter. The Study has identified abstraction for public water supply as a contributory factor in explaining the observed low flows in the river. Historic abstractions by South West Water from groundwater sources in the catchment downstream of Honiton are estimated to have caused a reduction in natural summer low flows of between 9 to 15 percent. Had abstraction from these sources occurred at the full licensed rate then the flow impact is estimated at between 12 to 25 percent. The large st flow impacts are estimated to occur in the estuary, downstream of Otterton. Historic abstractions by Wessex Water from the Otterhead Lakes are estimated to have reduce natural flows in the river at Fenny Bridges by less than 3.percent. Below Fenny Bridges the h isto ric flow impact of Otterhead Lakes abstraction is negligible. An attempt was made in the Study to estimate the flow impact caused by abstraction from the Lakes at the full licensed rate. However, th e Study concludes that the prediction is a gross over-estimate.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: RiversWater levelsFlow rateWater abstraction
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestDevonOtter (river, Devon)East Devon catchment
Extent: 16; + figures
Total file downloads: 300

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