Title: A desk top study into the probable causes of poor water quality at Higher Hollacombe Farm (RO5K013) on the Hollacombe Lake
Author: P. Rose
Document Type: Monograph
The Hollacombe Lake is a tributary of the River Yeo and rises at Higher Hollacombe Farm west of Crediton. The river flows east then south for approximately 3 km before its confluence with the River Yeo in the region of Folly Bridge. There are two sites routinely chemically monitored on the Hollacombe Lake. The first site is at Higher Hollacombe Farm and the second is downstream prior to the confluence with Pitt Stream. The Hollacombe Lake has a current short term River Ecosystem Use Class target of 5 and a long term target of 3. However, standards previously set in 1993 are still believed to be active for the site at Higher Hollacombe Farm.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Water quality; Rivers; Lakes; Chemical monitoring
Geographic Keywords: Yeo (South Somerset); East Devon catchment
Extent: 19
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3799
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