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Title: Corporate plan 1991/1992 : Southern region
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This is the National Rivers Authoritys second Corporate Plan. It sets out the Authoritys: performance in respect of its first Corporate Plan; future aims, objectives and targets for each core function and support service; planned use of resources; projected output and performance; efficiency and productivity initiatives. The Plan covers the period 1991/92 with projections to 1994/95. Actual data for 1989/90 and the forecast outturn for 1990/91 are provided for comparative purposes. The Plan is a synthesis of ten Regional Plans and a Head Office Plan. Long-term function and support service strategies and an overall corporate strategy are currently being formulated. These will provide a strategic framework for future annual corporate plans.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Environmental managementEnvironmental planningEnvironment AgencyWater qualityRiversFlood risk managementNature conservationRiver fisheriesPollution control
Geographic Keywords: Kent (county)SussexHampshire
Extent: 111
Total file downloads: 349

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