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Title: Isle of Wight LEAP : consultation draft plan, March 1999
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Isle of Wight LEAP Consultation Draft identifies environmental issues relevant to the Environment Agency and sets out possible options for action to restore/improve the Island's environment. The report has been structured around the Agencys nine principal environmental concerns, which aim to protect and enhance the environment in an integrated way and contribute towards the goal of sustainable development. The Environment Agency has a wide range of duties and powers relating to different aspects of environmental management. It is required and guided by Government to use these duties and powers in order to help achieve the objective of sustainable development. At the heart of sustainable development is the integration of human needs and the environment within which we live. The Agency therefore has to reflect this in the way it works and in the decisions it makes.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)ConsultationRiversCatchment managementEnvironmental managementEnvironmental planningWater qualityFlood controlNature conservationWaste managementIndustry regulationBiodiversityRiver fisheries
Geographic Keywords: Isle of WightIsle of Wight catchment
Extent: 37
Total file downloads: 61

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