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Title: West Area : main river atlas
Author: Environment Agency Thames Region West Area
Document Type: Monograph
This document is a compilation of maps of the main rivers in the West Area of the Thames catchment compiled in 1997. The area covered is approximately from Banbury in the North to Newbury in the South, from Cirencester in the West to Aylesbury in the East. This area is broken down in to 56 squares. The report was produced by Martin Matthias.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Wallingford
Subject Keywords: MapsRiversFlood risk management
Geographic Keywords: EA South EastThamesCotswolds catchmentKennet and Pang catchmentTame Anker and Mease catchmentCherwell catchmentLoddon catchmentColne catchmentVale of White Horse catchment
Extent: n.p. [58]
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