Title: Rivers Nidd and Whafe : fact file
Author: Environment Agency North East Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency leaflet focuses on Rivers Nidd and Whafe. The River Nidd rises at Nidd Head near Great Whernside at the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and meanders eastwards to join the River Ouse at Nun Monk ton. This document contains sections on: water quality; pollution control; geology; source of water supply; integrated pollution control; fisheries; beating the floods; flood warning; conservation; waste management; and recreation.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Public relations; River rehabilitation
Geographic Keywords: EA Yorkshire and North East; Nidd (Yorkshire); Wharfe; Wharfe and Lower Ouse catchment; Swale, Ure, Nidd and Upper Ouse catchment
Extent: n.p. [8]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1369
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