Title: Annual review of the Colne, Upper Lee, North London and Roding, Beam and Ingerbourne catchments
Author: Environment Agency Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Local environment Agency Plan - Colne, Upper Lee, North London and Rosing, Beam and Ingrebourne
This is the year 2001 Annual Reviews for the Colne, Upper Lee, North London and Roding, Beam an Ingrebourne (RBI) catchments. This document will summarise relevant LEAP actions from these four catchments and provide information on other Agency work in the area. The LEAPs were published at different times over the last three years, RBI in September 1997, Colne in September 1998 and the Upper Lee and North London LEAPs in January 2001 . The Annual Review provides information on the actions that the Agency and its partners have been carrying out in the area over the past year. This newsletter aims to give an overview of that information.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Environmental management; Rivers; Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Environmental planning; Water quality
Geographic Keywords: Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne catchment; Essex; Greater London; Lee (Hertford); Upper Lee catchment
Extent: 19
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1026
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