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Title: The importance of sediment release of phosphorus in the restoration of the Norfolk Broads
Author: G.L Phillips
Author: R.H. Jackson
Document Type: Monograph
An overview is presented of the changes in the phosphorus loading of the River Ant and Barton Broad since the introduction of phosphorus removal from the effluent discharged to the system. The phosphorus budget for Barton Broad indicates additional phosphorus input from the sediment. Phosphorus release experiments were carried out on intact sediment cores from a number of sites in the Norfolk Broads and pore water profiles of ferrous iron and soluble phosphorus concentration, redox and pH were measured. Sediment phosphorus release was shown to occur from a range of sediments. Phosphorus release appears to be seasonal, occurring in spring and summer, increased by the presence of Chironomus plumosus larvae, and related to low pore water concentrations of ferrous iron relative to the interstitial phosphorus concentration.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: PhosphorusRiversWater qualityEnvironmental managementPollutants
Geographic Keywords: Ant (Norfolk)NorfolkThe BroadsBroadland Rivers catchmentBroadland
Extent: 18; + figures
Total file downloads: 260

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