Title: Middle Severn : action plan - November 1997
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
This is the first Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) for the Middle Severn area. The quality of our local environment and the way it is managed matters to all who live in and visit the area and rely on its natural resources. To manage the environment as a whole and to achieve environmental improvements we need to work together. The Environment Agency is committed to the delivery of environmental improvement at the local level and through this plan we will work in collaboration and partnership with various organisations and individuals to achieve this aim. This Action Plan is the second stage in the LEAP process for the Middle Severn area. It outlines areas of work and investment proposed by ourselves and other responsible parties over the next five years, and will form the basis for improvements to the environment in the Middle Severn area. Progress against the Action Plan will be monitored and reported annually.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Shrewsbury
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Environmental planning; Environmental management; Catchment management; Water quality; Rivers; Agricultural pollution; Pollution control; Sewage; Waste management; Water abstraction; River fisheries; Biodiversity
Geographic Keywords: Severn; Shropshire
Extent: 52
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1054
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