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Title: Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1996-1997
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This annual report of the Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee informs about latest plans and efforts of the EA with regards to its flood control strategy, improvements and expenditures. Although it could be a truism to declare that the weather is a dominant influence on the Flood Defence function, 1996/97 was noteworthy because of the unusual consequences of the exceptional weather. The drama of Flood Defence is invariably associated with violent weather, but this year saw the progressive development of what has turned out to be the worst protracted drought on record in East Anglia. Whilst the generally mild weather may have been of great assistance to the conduct of maintenance and capital works operations, unprecedented low flows gave rise to difficulties of riverine access on occasion and, more seriously, extensive siltation within the Tidal River system. The obstructive consequences of this siltation were already in the process of being addressed in strategic studies, but the need for corrective works within the river system has been heightened by this years weather. In contrast with the generally bland weather throughout the year, the onset of sea storms with the arrival of the autumn equinox caused significant disturbance and critical damage to the defences between Hunstanton, Heacham and Snettisham. On two occasions, residents of holiday caravans at Shepherds Port, Snettisham were evacuated, although these exercises were prompted by operational pressures on our partners, the police, rather than the onset of an acute red alert situation. Extensive damage was suffered by the revetment defences in the vicinity of Kala Juga, Heacham, but these defences have been satisfactorily reinstated by an urgently prepared project which was developed to augment the existing sea defence strategy. These troubles on the Committees coastline were both a help and a hindrance to the development of the revised sea defence strategy.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: EngineeringFlood Management StrategyBeachesRiversFlood controlFlood defence committeesFlood defence structuresAnnual reportsTidal rivers
Geographic Keywords: SnettishamHeachamHunstantonCam and Ely Ouse catchmentGreat OuseThe Wash
Extent: 26
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