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Title: Warwickshire Avon : consultation report : summary
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This booklet is about the environment of the area shown on the centre pages. That area is the land which drains to the River Avon. It includes most of Warwickshire, and significant areas of Hereford and Worcester, Gloucestershire and small parts of Oxfordshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire. It is a summary of a Consultation Report that the Environment Agency has produced. That report gives more information about the Environment Agencys thoughts on the environmental problems and opportunities in the area (the issues) and the Agencys draft action plan to tackle them. It also contains some useful background information about the activities o f the area and the current state o f the environment. If, after reading this booklet, you want a copy of that report please ask using the contact details adjacent.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)Environment AgencyEnvironmental planningWaste managementAir qualityConsultationFlood controlRiversRiver fisheriesWaste managementNature conservationCatchment management
Geographic Keywords: Warwickshire AvonWarwickshire Avon catchmentWarwickshire
Extent: n.p. [20]
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