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Title: Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
Author: Laurence Carvalho
Author: Helen Bennion
Author: Hugh Dawson
Author: Mike Furse
Author: Iain Gunn
Author: Rob Hughes
Author: Andrew Johnston
Author: Peter Maitland
Author: Linda May
Author: Don Monteith
Author: Sally Luckes
Author: Rebecca Taylor
Author: Mark Trimmer
Author: Jessica Winder
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Environment Agency Project ID:EAPRJOUT_1073, Representation ID: 330, Object ID: 2344
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the establishment of relationships between the concentrations of physico-chemical quality elements, such as nutrient conditions, and biological quality. As a component of this, Member States are required to establish reference nutrient conditions for different water body types and to link nutrients with indicators of biological quality. This report summarises the results of the first phase of a project to identify nutrient conditions for different levels of ecological status in UK surface waters. The main objective of phase I was to identify areas where additional research is required before nutrient conditions and biological quality indicators can be linked with an acceptable degree of reliability. To achieve this objective, literature reviews were carried out. In all surface water types, the literature reviews conclude that the biological assemblages are shaped by both natural environmental factors (physical, chemical and biological) and a number of “pressures” from human activity (pollution, disturbance, species introductions, etc.). Nutrient pollution may occur simultaneously with other pressures, and it is often, therefore, difficult to identify changes in ecological status solely due to nutrient conditions. In general, a great deal of further research is required for the identification of nutrient conditions for different levels of ecological status in all surface waters.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Subject Keywords: Freshwater ecologyWater Framework DirectiveLakesRiversPhytoplanktonEutrophicationFishesPhosphorusNitrogenCoastal watersBenthic environmentNutrientsNutrientsCoastal watersPhytobenthosMacrophytesSurface water
Extent: 289
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