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Title: Axe and Lim : action plan
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
In January 1997 it was published the Rivers Axe and Lim Catchment Management Plan Action Plan, following a consultation process instigated by one of our predecessor organisations, the National Rivers Authority (NRA). We now hope to build on this by widening the scope of environmental issues tackled to cover all of our areas of responsibility by producing this Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP). We are committed to a programme of LEAPs to help us identify, assess, prioritise and solve local environmental issues related to our functions, taking into account the views of our local customers. The Action Plan takes into account the results of the consultation and sets out actions, identifying costs, timescales and partner organisations. Agreed actions will be incorporated into our annual business plan. The Axe and Lim LEAP area straddles the counties of Devon, Dorset and Somerset and comprises the catchments of the River Axe and the River Lim, which drain to the sea at the coastal resorts of Seaton and Lyme Regis respectively.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2005
Publication Place: Exminster
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA)Water qualityRiversRiver fisheriesBiodiversityAgricultural wastesEutrophicationEffluents
Geographic Keywords: Lim (Dorset)East Devon catchmentDevon
Extent: 60
Total file downloads: 369

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