Title: North Kent LEAP : environmental overview
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environmental Overview has been prepared to provide supporting information to the North Kent Area Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) Consultation Draft. It is a factual description and analysis of the North Kent environment and the stresses upon it. From the overview a series of issues have emerged which have been carried forward into the LEAP Consultation Draft for consideration by the Agency, its partners and those individuals and organisations generally interested in the local environment. The North Kent LEAP Area covers the surface catchment of the Swale with the lower reaches of the Medway Estuary. It extends from Gillingham in the west to Heme Bay in the east, embracing the whole of the Medway Estuary, the Swale and Isle of Sheppey, and extends southwards to include the dip slope of the North Kent Downs chalk outcrop. The Areas geology is dominated by the North Kent Chalk block, although other aquifers, such as the Thanet Beds and the Woolwich, Reading and
Oldhaven Beds, overlie the Chalk in the north. Topographical divisions largely follow the geology, forming distinctive areas.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: [Worthing]
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Water quality; Rivers; Flood control; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Biodiversity; Nature conservation
Geographic Keywords: Medway catchment; Kent (county)
Extent: 85
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1159
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