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Title: River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : executive summary (OI/526/1/A)
Author: G.E. Petts
Author: M.A. Bickerton
Document Type: Monograph
This project provides a detailed examination of the ecology of the River Wissey, a renowned trout stream in north Norfolk. Specific attention is given to the relationships between flows and the flora and fauna of the river. The study was commissioned by the National Rivers Authority in 1991, following concerns about the ecological impacts of falling flows. The project had three aims: to assess the current ecological status of the Wissey and to place the current situation in an historical context; ii) to evaluate flow-macroinvertebrate relationships for: environmental assessments of flowrelated impacts, setting flows to meet in-river needs and iii) to define a Ecologically Acceptable Flow Regime for the River Wissey on the basis of all available information and approaches.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: RiversHydrologyEcologyInvertebratesFlow rateModellingTroutRiver fisheries
Geographic Keywords: WisseyEA AnglianCam and Ely Ouse catchment
Extent: 17
Total file downloads: 320

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