Directives (European Union)Definition ( A directive is a legislative act of the European Union, which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. It can be distinguished from regulations which are self-executing and do not require any implementing measures. Directives normally leave member states with a certain amount of leeway as to the exact rules to be adopted. Directives can be adopted by means of a variety of legislative procedures depending on their subject matter. (Wikipedia) Preferred Units: N/A Scope Note: N/A This term is used for the following terms: EU directives European Union directives
Approved Date 16-Dec-2013 Items having a keyword or observed-property relationship to this subject term - 1991 survey of bathing water quality
- 1992 survey of bathing water quality : final draft report
- 1994 EC directive returns South Western region
- A desk study to assess the compliance of the River Fowey with the EC Surface Water Abstraction Directive : June 1997 COR/97/024
- A field guide to the British seaweeds : as required for assistance in the classification of water bodies under the Water Framework Directive
- Aerial surveillance of fourteen estuaries in England and Wales
- Agriculture and the Water Framework Directive
- An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
- An investigation into possible causes of poor water quality at Blakewell Bridge (R30A001) on the Bradiford Water
- An investigation to determine if South Molton STW is the cause of elevated copper and zinc concentrations downstream in the River Mole [DEV/E/18/95]
- Assessment of freshwater riverine environments using macrophytes : standard methodologies : final draft : biology laboratory procedures manual. Section C : test methods and procedures
- Assessment of the impact of discharges from Meldon Quarry on the water quality of the West Okement River
- Bacterial quality of the bathing waters at Seaton, Cornwall, and of the River Seaton
- Bathing water quality : fact sheet (bilingual) : Ansawdd dwr ymdrochi : taflen ffeithiau
- Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1997 : a summary report
- Bathing waters report 1989
- Bathing waters report 1990
- Bathing waters report 1991
- Bathing waters report 1992
- Bathing waters report 1993
- Bathing waters report 1996
- Bathing waters report 1997
- Bathing waters report Wales 1998
- Bathing waters report Wales 1999
- Bathing waters report Wales 2000
- Bathing waters report Wales 2001
- Boat safety scheme - September 1995
- Catchment abstraction management strategies (CAMS) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
- Classification of listed substances for the purposes of the EC groundwater directive (80/68/EEC) : technical report
- Compliance assessment for EC freshwater fish directive 1990
- Compliance Assessment for EC surface water abstraction directive 1991
- Contaminants entering the sea : a report on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales 1990-1993
- Cross border river basin districts and the Water Framework Directive
- Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
- Development of microbiological standards
- Devon area internal report - measurement of dissolved oxygen levels in the Dart estuary - March 1996
- Diffuse pollution and the water framework directive
- Discharges of waste under the EC titanium dioxide directives : report of the National Rivers Authority
- Display screen equipment directive : annual safety representatives forum, 27-28 April 1992, Hilton National, Warwick
- EC bathing waters improvement strategy
- EC dangerous substances directive : formal monitoring programme 1994
- EC directive compliance report
- EC directives and the control of water pollution : fact file
- Ecological quality of water European technical workshop : 10 and 11 May 1995, Brussels. Report of discussions, findings and recommendations
- Ecology and the Water Framework Directive
- Economic elements of the Environment Agency's implementation of the Water Framework Directive
- Environment Agency special waste statistics 1994-7
- Environmental assessment by external developers and organisations (Phase II) (351/7/T)
- Environmental assessment by external developers and organisations (Phase II) : recommendations (Note 351/8/T)
- Environmental protection final draft report - compliance assessment for EC Freshwater Fish Directive 1991
- Findings of a seminar on integrated appraisal for water quality
- Fish, fisheries and the Water Framework Directive
- Focus on Biodiversity Update 2002
- Focus on Biodiversity Update 2003/4
- Forestry and the Water Framework Directive
- General awareness, environment management and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
- General introduction to the Water Framework Directive
- Great Brook fisheries survey
- Guidelines on statutory returns : Bathing Waters Directive
- Guidelines on statutory returns : Dangerous Substances Directive : List 2 substances
- Guidelines on statutory returns : Freshwater Fish Directive
- Hope Cove : non-compliance in 1998 with the European Community bathing water directive (76/160/EEC)
- Identified uses of tidal waters : volume 1
- Implementation of the EC freshwater fish directive : water quality requirements for the support of fish life : report of the National Rivers Authority
- Implications of draft EC Directive concerning municipal waste water treatment : Memorandum submitted by the NRA to House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities
- Improved monitoring for surface water quality : the development of a manual of best practice
- Investigate EC dangerous substance failure at R18A007 for 1994 : final draft report
- Investigation into the cause of high pH in the Budleigh Brook
- Investigation into the intermittent failure of Wembury Beach to comply with EC bathing water
- Investigations into the contribution of Marlborough STW to the non-compliance of Salcombe South Sands with the EC bathing waters directive
- Landfill and the water environment : NRA position statement
- Less sensitive areas and candidate high natural dispersion areas in the North West region
- List II metals : evaluation of standards using field data
- Little Avon catchment water quality plan
- Marine baseline survey 1990-1991. I : nutrients : draft
- Monitoring of freshwaters for E.C. dangerous substances list 1 and list 2, 1990
- Objectives for rivers and canals and river water quality 1992
- Performances of sewage treatment works discharging to an estuary : a marine environment or sensitive area : draft final report
- Pesticides in the aquatic environment : regional data appendix : prepared by the National Centre for Toxic and Persistent Substances (TAPS)
- Phosphate in the cut-off channel
- Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
- Priority and other specific polluting substances and the Water Framework Directive
- Proposals for statutory water quality objectives : report of the National Rivers Authority
- Protecting our water from catchment to coast- Water Framework Directive
- Public participation and the Water Framework Directive
- Red River (R23A003) EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1993 : final draft report
- Red River (R23A003) EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1994 : May 1996. COR/96/004
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality investigations in controlled waters
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1993 : EC surface water abstraction directive
- Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1994 : EC surface water abstraction directive : final draft report (1993)
- Remote sensing and baseline monitoring of the coastal waters of England and Wales 1992-1993 : a survey report [external version]
- Report on EC directive compliance 1996
- Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
- Report on the quality of bathing waters 1990
- River basin planning and the Water Framework Directive
- River Bourne system fisheries survey 1989-1990
- River Camel EC Dangerous Substance Directive failure 1993
- River Irwell catchment management plan : water quality supplement
- River Leach fisheries survey 1993
- River quality schemes
- River Tamar EC freshwater fish directive failure 1994 : final draft report, June 1996 COR/96/005
- River Tavy EC Freshwater Fish Directive failure 1993
- River water quality in the Midlands 1994/95 : water quality summary data
- Seaburn sewer survey II, 23-24 Ocotber 1991
- Seaburn sewer survey, 05-07 August 1991
- Summary report on environmental developments : volume 1 : legislation and European practice : October 1988
- Summary report on environmental developments : volume 3 : legislation and European practice : June 1989 to March 1990
- The groundwater regulations (Bilingual) : Rheoliadau dwr daear (Bilingual)
- The land-use planning system and the Water Framework Directive (can't read barcode)
- Upper Fal Estuary urban waste water treatment directive sensitive area (eutrophic) designation : final draft report
- Water framework directive : guiding principles on the technical requirements (summary) : accompanying summary to the Environment Agency consultation document
- Water quality report 1993
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