Title: Investigation into the cause of high pH in the Budleigh Brook
Author: L. Wilcock
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: environmental protection report
On 30 July 1991 routine monitoring of river quality in the Budleigh Brook recorded a pH reading of 9.1 at the river abstraction point near East Budleigh. An investigation into the cause of the high pH was carried out as the Environmental Quality StandardS (EQS) specified in the Surface Water Abstraction Directive was exceeded (EQS = pH 6.0 - 9.0).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Brooks; Monitoring; pH; Surface water; Water abstraction; Directives (European Union)
Geographic Keywords: EA South West; Budleigh Brook (Devon); East Devon catchment; Devon
Extent: n.p. [7]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2647
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