Title: Investigations into the contribution of Marlborough STW to the non-compliance of Salcombe South Sands with the EC bathing waters directive
Author: C. Sharp
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: TWU/92/010
The E.C. identified bathing waters of Salcombe South Sands beach have failed to meet mandatory European Quality Standards for faecal coliforms in recent years. Potential sources of such bacteria in the area are numerous and include the main Salcombe sewage outfall, several other crude sewage outfalls and Combe Stream. Effluent from Malborough Sewage Treatment Works (STW) is discharged into Combe Stream approximately 2 km upstream of South Sands beach. In the light of planned improvements to the sewerage and sewage disposal
systems of the Kingsbridge estuary and surrounding area under South West Water Services Ltd's (SWWSL) capital improvements programme, NRA South West has investigated the impact of Malborough STW on the bacterial quality of South Sands bathing waters. Three separate investigations were carried out by the NRA's Tidal Waters Investigations Unit during the winter months of 1991/92. SWWSL are also known to have carried out their own investigations during the summer of 1990.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Coastal waters; Bathing Water Directive; Directives (European Union); Compliance; Sewage treatment; Sewage; Effluents
Geographic Keywords: EA South West; Salcombe (Devon); Devon
Extent: 4; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2508
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