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Title: Environmental assessment by external developers and organisations (Phase II) (351/7/T)
Author: J. Gulson
Author: R. Ashby-Crane
Document Type: Monograph
Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process that may be used as a tool by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) to protect the water environment from impacts arising from development activity. The statutory basis for EA lies in planning legislation, in which the NRA has a relatively minor statutory role as a consultee on planning applications for a limited range of development types. However, the process of EA within the NRA has many applications beyond that of commenting on planning applications alone, including the consideration of applications for licences and consents. Also, the NRA are increasingly being asked to comment on development proposals at an early stage by both developers and planning authorities, a trend enforced by recent government guidance. This research has been conducted to develop a more proactive and consistent response by the NRA to development proposals with the use of EA. The report summarises the current status of the use of EA in the NRA and evaluates the use of current guidance available. Due to a wide variety of development types in which the NRA has an interest, scoping guidance has been produced for use by both developers and the NRA in the early stages of a project.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Environmental impact assessmentDirectives (European Union)PlanningNational Rivers Authority
Extent: 104; + appendices
Total file downloads: 317

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