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Geographical Term Details

East Devon catchment

Definition (

The river catchments that make up the East Devon CFMP are (from west to east) the Otter, Sid, Axe and Lim, The river catchments that make up the East Devon CFMP are (from west to east) the Otter, Sid, Axe and Lim,each flowing directly into the sea. The Otter and Axe are the larger of these catchments. The Otter rises at 300m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) in the Blackdown Hills, while to the east, the Axe rises at a lower altitude of 175m AOD in the Yeovil Scarplands. Both of these rivers have steeply sloping tributaries. The Sid and Lim are much smaller catchments with steep channel gradients from their source to the sea. The East Devon CFMP covers an area of some 750 square kilometres (300 square miles). (EA)

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English catchment basin

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